This site is dedicated to the notion that the time has arrived to enjoy life. All the planning for the future has paid off. The future is here.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Too Quiet

I really got accustomed to sounds in the house. I do not mean the sound of the tv. I mean the sound of kids. Stephanie left this morning to return to Portland and took the sounds of kids working on their masterpieces of Legos and Beads.
Yesterday, Stephanie and Amy went letterboxing for the second straight day. Amy had most of the local boxes. Stephanie had only a few local boxes. Stephanie needed about twenty boxes to get to one hundred and Amy needed but three. They developed this scheme to let Stephanie catch up to Amy and both reach one hundred at the same time on the same box.
Stephanie called me when they were each at ninety eight. Both needed the two boxes they were headed to get. They were going to get one in the library and then another one that was outside. What they did not plan for was a bonus box in the library. So, when they opened that box, they were anti-climatically at one hundred and restrained from any celebration. They quietly took some pictures to record the moment.
If you know either one of these two, you know they do not restrain their emotion very well. I bet it almost killed them.
Congratulations to both of you two.
Kayak Bandit

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