This site is dedicated to the notion that the time has arrived to enjoy life. All the planning for the future has paid off. The future is here.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Coolest House

My grandson gave me the biggest compliment possible. He said I had a very cool house. When queried, he pointed out that I have the coolest table in the world. It is a coffee table that the top lifts up and toward the couch while maintaining level. It is where I eat most of my meals when alone. Today Steph had the kids sit at the dining table and her & I sat at the coffee table.
Nick also mentioned the old tractor that runs on steam. He wants it down so very bad, but I will only get it down when I have time to supervise the solid alcohol fuel fire required to make it run.
He also like the room with the bunk beds near enough the queen bed and beside the queen bed is a single mattress on the floor. He enjoys jumping from one to the other. Both his mom and I are too tired to resist this antic.
He was saying how cool my house is when he was sitting on a rocking love seat. This was really amazing to him. When we pointed out that not only did the love seat rock, but each half is also a recliner. Boy, that dialed his amazement meter higher again. I let him play with that for a while and then I got his attention and pulled the back down to create a small table with cup holders in the middle of the big couch. I thought his eyes would bug out. We told him the couches were transformer couches.
Now, we had his full attention. We still had another surprise, though. I released the recliner on the end of the big couch and reared back. Yep, transformer couches. All the better to watch Harry Potter!
Kayak Bandit

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