This site is dedicated to the notion that the time has arrived to enjoy life. All the planning for the future has paid off. The future is here.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Good Dog

Don't ask me to be your huckleberry guide. I am a total failure. Joanne and I failed to find even one huckleberry. Some would say our day was a total flop. Okay, but let me tell you some of the offsets to it being a flop.
We had no more than started out when Joanne started pointing and getting very agitated as we approached this sign beside the road. It was a rather rude sign posted at the end of a driveway to a beautiful home behind a iron gate. Joanne announced that she had always wanted a closer look at this home and the "Garage Sale" would serve as a good excuse.
I had to turn around to get pointed into the driveway. It was no time at all before Joanne and the wonderful ladies hosting the garage sale were best buddies. Joanne negotiated a good deal on a horse themed trellis. Before we left, we were allowed to pet their horses. They were gentle and polite horses. I believe they are for sale, if you are interested.
We continued on. Bandit was, sort of, coughing enough to convince us that he was thirsty. We stopped beside the Ponderay River, north of Newport. I pointed to the river and Bandit ran about half way to the water and turned around, obviously looking for me to throw a toy to him. He would not go on to the water without assurance I would throw a toy. So, I threw his ball out into the water many times. He had a blast, but did not drink once. I think he intentionally misled us so he could play. What a manipulator!
We continued on to Marshall Lake where we enjoyed the view of the lake and several nice conversations with people there for recreation. It seemed to those we talked to that the berry picking was over. So, we decided to find a spot to have lunch. We chose the Newport City Park. Here we enjoyed a nice lunch prepared by Joanne as Bandit endeared himself to everyone else in the park. He would go to a different person and solicit them to throw his ball. It was fun to watch him convince the new person to throw it. He would run to them and drop the ball at their feet. If they did not reach for the ball, he would nudge it closer to them with his nose. This tactic always convinced them to throw the ball. Amazingly, he did get tired enough to lay down and drop the ball.
We found two more garage sales, Joanne made new friends, and traveled new roads on our return trip to Spokane. At every stop, I would open the back door of my Jeep, and ask Bandit to "Stay!" This impressed Joanne and others. I was likewise impressed. I think Bandit is a VERY "Good Dog".
Kayak Bandit

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