This site is dedicated to the notion that the time has arrived to enjoy life. All the planning for the future has paid off. The future is here.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Sleeping In

This is the latest that I have slept in a long time. Bandit woke me up about five and wanted outside. I got up and let him out. Usually, I will do that and then make a pot of coffee. But not today. I went back to the still warm bed and slept soundly until eight.
As I look outside, the sun is shining bright. I don't lower my eyes to the ground, because I would be reminded that my lawn needed mowing a week ago. I has gotten taller in the ensuing time. Let's see. If it is two months until the first frost- - -I guess I cannot use that as an excuse to let the lawn grow. But, I read somewhere that your lawn survives winter better is you do not cut it right before it freezes. Drat.
Okay, I have decided to attack my projects today and play tomorrow. I will put the last of the camping stuff away, clean up the kitchen, mow the lawn, throw the frisbee for Bandit, tie up my dahlias, set out my berry picking supplies and then go grocery shopping. That should be enough for one day. It may even leave enough time to visit with some neighbors.
Tomorrow, I and some friends are headed to the mountains north of Newport to get huckleberries. I hope the timing is right. I was too early for the huckleberries on my trip to the coast. It will be a fun ride whether or not we find berries.
Kayak Bandit

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