This site is dedicated to the notion that the time has arrived to enjoy life. All the planning for the future has paid off. The future is here.

Monday, September 1, 2008


Boy, the Gulf dodged a bullet this time. Everything seems to be pretty good. What a difference from a few years ago.
Have you wondered why those idiot news people insist on standing out in the fierce wind to tell us that the wind is bad. I guess they want it to make a big impression. The thing that impresses me is that their mommy never taught them to come in out of the storm. I like it best when they show the view from a mounted camera. It is usually from a higher vantage point and tells me more than some bozo pretending to be tossed about by the wind. I saw one guy, dressed to the hilt with rain gear, hardly able to stand while he knew the camera was on him. As soon as he finished his spiel, and he thought the camera was off, he was able to walk around easily. How foolish do they think we are?
And, another thing, why does every network have to show the stuff 24/7? Golly, a few days ago everyone had to be talking about the gal that had a child go missing for a month before she reported it to the police. They were all clambering to get the best angle on that. Now that I am interested in that story, no one will tell me about it. Phooey.
Kayak Bandit

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