This site is dedicated to the notion that the time has arrived to enjoy life. All the planning for the future has paid off. The future is here.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Oh Poop

If your dog needs to go out in the night, let him out!!!!
Last night, I went to bed a little earlier than normal. Routinely, I let Bandit outside as I head to bed. It was no different last night. I woke in the night to do some habitual things like looking out the windows for burglars and then visiting the porcelain throne. Bandit was not interested in going outside at that time, so I went back to sleep.
I suspect I made him stay inside too long by the time morning came along. You guessed it. A nice surprise for me at the back door. Yep, I stepped in it.
I am not angry. But, think about this. How does a dog do such a good job of holding himself. He does not get to schedule his poops. Nope, he has only the opportunity he is given. That is amazing to me. If I were asked to keep the schedule we give a dog, Heaven help us.
Kayak Bandit

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