This site is dedicated to the notion that the time has arrived to enjoy life. All the planning for the future has paid off. The future is here.

Saturday, August 30, 2008


Where has the time gone?
It seems that Stephanie and the grandkids just arrived. We have had lots of fun, but tomorrow they plan to leave.
Stephanie has found a letterboxing fanatic like herself. Balladone Bunch (Stephanie) and American Boxer (Amy) hit it off from the first introduction to each other. Yesterday, after Amy got off work, Steph picked her up and they got about one dozen boxes for Stephanie. Amy had already gotten all of these for herself.
This morning I heard from both of them how much fun they had. They talked with so much animation about snakes, cows, people in the dark and more. Maybe I can get them to slow down long enough to write about it.
It is about noon and they are off letterboxing right now. They have a project that you will hear about real soon. I am watching the kids that prefer not to letterbox 24/7. We are having nearly as much fun here. Soon, I will fire up the old steam powered, steam roller.
Talk at ya later!
Kayak Bandit

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