This site is dedicated to the notion that the time has arrived to enjoy life. All the planning for the future has paid off. The future is here.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Drinking Too Much

I am really worried about me and my drinking problem. I came home after work and went straight to the fridge for a red beer. I like my red beer half tomato juice and half beer. The problem I have is not what you might imagine. You see, I like about twelve ounces of beverage. When you open a can of beer and mix it with a can of tomato juice, you end up with twenty-four ounces of beverage.
I do not like to waste anything, so I drink more than I need to. I eventually drink at least sixteen ounces before I give up. I do not see a solution to this problem. Beer comes in just one size can. So, if I open a can, I have to drink it all or it goes to waste.
It is truly my problem, since I am the one who likes such a small amount. So, tomorrow morning I will again have to dump a partial glass of red beer down the sink.
The good news is that tomorrow is Pay Day.
Kayak Bandit

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