This site is dedicated to the notion that the time has arrived to enjoy life. All the planning for the future has paid off. The future is here.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Tile Floor

Today, I laid the tile floor in my kitchen. It came out quite nice, if I say so myself. Here are a couple pictures.

Tomorrow, I plan to go to the lumber store and buy a special piece of oak to make stair nosing for the top step coming in from the back door.

I need to stay after it, because Stephanie is coming to visit. I hope the weather is good, because we will not have all the appliances back into the kitchen. We will do just fine. Steph and her kids adapt well.

I sure enjoyed watching the interviews by Pastor Rick Warren. Did anyone else watch them?

Catch you tomorrow,
Kayak Bandit

1 comment:

Sue KuKu said...

Wow, your floor is looking beautiful! Good job! I'm impressed!