This site is dedicated to the notion that the time has arrived to enjoy life. All the planning for the future has paid off. The future is here.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Mouse Will NOT Win!

So, you read about my failure to catch the mouse. Yesterday, I would have pursued him with a chainsaw if one was nearby. I refuse to resort to poison since I have a dog. So I continue with traps that obviously do not work.
Yesterday, my dear sister, Sharon, wrote the following;

Why don't you get a cat?

So, I thought about Sharon's question. Here is my answer;

I did not think about getting a cat, okay?

But, I am thinking real hard now. I would love to have a cat. I just worry about the times that I will be away. And - - Litterboxes!
Kayak Bandit

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My husband is NOT a cat person and so I was resigned to never have a cat...that was until we had problems with mice. We tried everything (aside from poison since we had young kids) and yet the mice were still "winning". Well, one day my husband casually said, "maybe we should get a good mouser", i.e. A CAT!!! Guess what? I didn't let that opportunity pass me by! The next day, I brought home an adorbable black cat named Miss Belle. She's wonderful and still around although the mice are long gone. I kind of have to be thankful for those rotten mice. I never would have gotten a cat otherwise.