This site is dedicated to the notion that the time has arrived to enjoy life. All the planning for the future has paid off. The future is here.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

How to draw a boy, 2

I bet your picture of a boy looks better than my picture of a boy. Oh, wait, we are not done yet. Can you see the basis for a picture of a boy? If, you have done what I wanted you to do, your boy picture should be looking to the side. The stem of the b is one side of his head and the stem of the y is the other side of his head.
If you want to see what my picture looks like at this point, go back to yesterday's post and look. I added a picture to let you see what I meant.
Well, now it is time to finish the boy's face. To make a nose for your boy, just set your crayon down between the two eyes. Go down the page and to the left for a short distance and then go to the right. He needs a mouth. A simple curved line makes his mouth appear closed. Remember, this is your picture and you can make his mouth open or closed. Don't forget to add eyebrows, lashes, ear rings, nose rings, or whatever else you think he needs.
Oh, we forgot to fill in his eyes. Now, this is a little harder than the rest of the picture. You can make his eyes look to the side or up or down. With some practice you will get pretty good at it.
Here is what my picture looks like. I bet yours is even better!
Kayak Bandit

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