This site is dedicated to the notion that the time has arrived to enjoy life. All the planning for the future has paid off. The future is here.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I hit a moose

Have you ever noticed how a once in a million chance happens at just the wrong time? Well, I had gone up into the woods for a load of firewood. As I remember it, it was Penny, Stevie Joe, Gary and myself. We had my big Dodge one ton and my big trailer. With all the help, we had loaded the old girl pretty heavy. It had been raining and the roads were very muddy.
We were coming out of the mountains, following a creek. We came to this spot that I especially liked to look at. It was where the creek sprawled out into several ponds. The grass was tall on the edges of the ponds and there was a mossy bottom. We always had seen moose tracks in the area. Well, this time the tracks still had moose standing in the tracks.
There was a cow and two calves. I guess they are called calves. Anyway, they were youngsters. We sat with the truck running and watched. It seemed the mom told the youngsters to head for the hills, as they rambled up into the brush on the far side of the creek. The cow continued to stand in the pond and lower her head under water to come back up with a mouth full of the mossy stuff from the bottom of the pond.
I got out on the far side of the truck and clapped my hands to try to get the moose to move around. I was hoping to show the others how tall a moose is when not in the water. It seemed to me that moose look very low to the ground unless on solid ground. On solid ground they look more like a horse, because of their long legs. Well, clapping my hands meant nothing to this moose. She did not even turn to look at us. It was frustrating.
So, I picked out a rock smaller than a baseball. I planned to splash the rock near her. I reared back and threw the rock. Oh, no! It headed straight as could be, right for the moose. It hit the moose right on the ear. I about crapped my pants. I had no intention to hit the moose, I only wanted to make it move around. Well, it moved. It moved about ten leaps and went back to eating moss.
I swear it is true. Especially the part that I did not mean to hurt the poor thing.
Kayak Bandit

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