This site is dedicated to the notion that the time has arrived to enjoy life. All the planning for the future has paid off. The future is here.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Kitchen Update

Hi Everyone,
It is Sunday morning and I feel great! I survived the emotional trauma of my dog cutting his tendon in two. I made some great progress on my kitchen. And, I am taking next week off to nurse my doggie along toward full mobility.
I feel especially great because I am doing the fun part of the kitchen remodel. The nasty part of tearing out and breathing the remodel dust is in the past. I can now smell the new wood. I love building the cabinets. They are all roughed in and will get the laminate today.
The following video is from a couple days ago. Some of the cabinet face frames are not installed and the counter top is not on. If I get to work now, I may have video of that part by tonight.

Bandit is bored. As I take him for his potty breaks, he looks beyond the fence with longing. But no, the mean guy at the end of the leash just hauls him back to the house as soon as finished with his do do. Some times I take him to the shop with me and he lays on a pile of sawdust while I work. I chose times that I am not using the planer because that machine is what makes the big pile of sawdust that he likes to lay on. The planer is very noisy and he is spooked by it.
Next year, for our family vacation, we are planning to go to Fort Stevens. We have not chosen an exact date yet. If you would like to join with us, let us know your choice of date. We are looking at late July or August.
Back to work,
Kayak Bandit

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