This site is dedicated to the notion that the time has arrived to enjoy life. All the planning for the future has paid off. The future is here.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Introducing Allie

Drum roll please!
Here is Allie!
Allie is the greatest cat ever. She was never trained to stay off a table, yet, is accepting my efforts to keep off the table. I get up each time I see her get up on the table. I usually just sweep her off the edge and let her jump down to the floor. If she is not prepared to make a safe landing, I pick her up and turn her loose on the floor or a chair. She, already notices me heading for her and jumps down, rather than being forced to get down. I think, too, that she gets up less often with each removal.
The funniest thing is that Bandit realized that I will remove the cat from the table, when caught. So, last night, Bandit came to me and nudged my hand. I petted Bandit and returned to the computer. Bandit immediately nudged my hand again. I looked at Bandit and he turns from the room and leads me into the dinning room to where Allie was sitting on the table. Bandit and Allie lock eyes and I remove Allie from the table. The exchanged looks between Allie and Bandit were priceless. Yes, Bandit is a tattle tale.
Kayak Bandit

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