This site is dedicated to the notion that the time has arrived to enjoy life. All the planning for the future has paid off. The future is here.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Three Down

Okay, I have some good news for those cheering for me to rid this home of mice. As, you know, Bandit is on house arrest because of his leg problem, not because he is a poor watch dog. So, Bandit is watching out for the house, and I am watching TV. A mouse scampers across the living room and Bandit is all over the situation. He immediately corners (using three legs) the mouse in the fireplace. He looks over at me. I move a rack of TV trays and look for the mouse. No mouse. We both gave up.
Soon bandit is studying the new gas range. This range is stored in the living room until the new gas lines are installed. Yeah, he is studying the range. I turn off the TV. Now, I can hear what he heard. The clicking of tiny little mouse feet trying to climb up something under the range.
I opened the broiler drawer and rattled the broiler pan. Very noisy. Out ran this scared little mouse into the fireplace for one quick circle of the area and back under the range. I rattled the broiler pan again. Very, very noisy and obnoxious. Out ran this scared little mouse into the fireplace and into the hollow end of an andiron.
I immediately tipped the andiron up. I carried it to the kitchen, grabbed a set of serving tongs, turned on the water in the sink, turned on the disposer and turned the andiron's open end down into the sink. It worked. The mouse fell into the stream of water. But, it almost jumped out of the sink. I swatted it back into the sink, just in time. Then, I grabbed it with the tongs.
Eventually the mouse lost. I believe it was a quick painless death.
Good riddance!
Bandit and Kayak Bandit

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