This site is dedicated to the notion that the time has arrived to enjoy life. All the planning for the future has paid off. The future is here.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Beautiful North Idaho

Today was my first day back at work, as I wrote about yesterday. Well, it went pretty good. I was busy all day, and so the day went by quickly. I prefer it that way.
Some times my mind wandered away from work to wondering how Bandit was doing. You see, this is probably tougher on him than on me. He has to poop and pee on my schedule and not his. Let me tell you, I could not survive long if the shoe was on the other foot. Bandit has been used to living outside while I work. Despite the past, Bandit did fine.
At other times, I considered how nice it was to walk amongst trees on a ridge looking over the most beautiful lake in the world. My friend, Jeff, is fascinated by dead, gnarled stumps and trees. So, we took many pictures of those. Here is a sampling of some of the photos of our Saturday letterboxing.
I went to get the pictures of the gnarled trees and discovered that Jeff must have them on his camera. Maybe he will post them on his blog. I have a link to his blog, Stormcrow's Blog. The beauty of North Idaho is so amazing. Even with a cheap camera, the pictures are breathtaking.
I am going to watch some football and relax. I think I will hold Bandit on my lap. Have a great week,
Kayak Bandit

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