This site is dedicated to the notion that the time has arrived to enjoy life. All the planning for the future has paid off. The future is here.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Stupid Bandit

Today, was the day I chose to turn off the water and replace the last of the old galvanized pipes. I made sure I gave the bird bath a fresh dose of water, as well as Bandit's water bucket.
Shortly after turning off the water, I discovered I had forgotten one fitting to complete the job. So I loaded Bandit into the Cherokee and fetched it up from the local hardware store. I even parked in the shade for my best friend, Bandit. As I got back home, Bandit insisted on carrying his favorite ball from the Cherokee. What the heck, I let him. I usually leave it in the car for our letterboxing trips. I was much too busy to throw the ball for him, but he kept it close and hinted that he was ready to play catch whenever I was.
I was nearly done with the whole project when I could wait no longer to go potty. I dismissed the first and second urge, but this third one could wait no longer. So, I went down stairs to the extra bathroom. Just as I finished, a friend was calling me on the phone that was upstairs. I ran for the phone, but missed the call. Luckily, I had caller ID and was able to return the call.
Once we concluded our call, I went back to my plumbing project. I was up on a stool gluing the very last pipe when I heard slurping coming from the recently used bathroom. You guessed it. Bandit was not only drinking from the filthy toilet, he had also dropped his ball into the toilet for safe keeping while he drank. Gross!!!!!!!!!!!
I ran up and outside calling for Bandit. He came running straight to me, proudly offering me the ball to throw. He almost touched me with the contaminated ball. Instead, I told him to "STAY" while I returned to my project. I kept the outside door closed so he could not even think of coming inside.
I turned the water back on. I turned it on slowly and watched for any leaks. None. Good job, if I say so myself. Now I am ready to hang sheetrock.
I eventually went outside and got the garden hose out. Bandit loves the water hose. I sprayed water and he jumped and bit at the stream of water. I kept this up for a very long time, hoping beyond hope that it would cleanse him.
I was ready to give him away for a short time. Now that he is clean and he promised to never get filthy again, we are on good terms.
Kayak Bandit


Anonymous said...

Dumb Dog!

Sue KuKu said...


I'd like to say cats aren't this gross but they are. They drink out of gross toilets, too.

At least, they don't try to "kiss" you afterwards, like dogs always seem to.
