This site is dedicated to the notion that the time has arrived to enjoy life. All the planning for the future has paid off. The future is here.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Home Again

Some things will always be different than home. I could not have been happier than showering in my own shower. I know exactly where to turn the knob to get the right temperature water. And the shower aims where it gets you wet like you prefer. Nice.
But the most welcome part of returning home was sitting on my own toilet. I did not need to check if there was paper before I sat down. If for any reason the paper was all used up in the dispenser, I could reach into the close at hand drawer where the extra rolls are. I do not believe I have ever ran out of paper in a public rest room, but, imagine if you were to do that. What would you do? Hey mister, could you check in the next stall and round me up some toilet paper. How embarrassing. I think I will continue to check before I sit down. That is, away from the comfort of home.
It is not just the paper issue. Things work better sitting in a familiar spot. Don't you agree? A bathroom session just goes smoother at home. It may be the lack of embarrassment to the varied body parts.
All this to simply say. It feels good to be home. Vacation with the family was great, but it truly feels good to be back home.
Kayak Bandit

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