This site is dedicated to the notion that the time has arrived to enjoy life. All the planning for the future has paid off. The future is here.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Pipe Day

Today, was a bonus day of the best kind. Here I am minding my own business at work when I discover that I had exceeded the maximum number of 320 hours of saved vacation time. Last pay period ended with me at 314 hours. So when this pay period needed to add my usual 7 hours, I over shot the maximum by one hour. Boy was I relieved it was only one hour.
As I considered what to do, I realized I had only two days remaining in this accounting period to use another 7 hours. So I went to the boss and asked what could be done. He suggested I take today off. See what I mean about a bonus day!
So, what to do with such a gift from nowhere. I got up and made a pot of coffee. I called Group Health to straighten out why they had locked me out of the site to check on my doctor stuff. It seems they lock you out after going eighteen months without using it. It was all understandable until they would not let me reuse the password I prefer to use. Once you use a password one time, they will never let you reuse it. Boy did that tick me off. How is an old man of sixty supposed to remember all these different passwords. The very nice lady on the phone told me that this is the most frequent complaint and conversation she has to deal with. Why don't they get a clue and let you reuse a stinking password? I relented when she assured me she would promptly pass my remarks on to management.
So I got that taken care of. More coffee. Oh, yeah, my results from my physical were excellent. My cholesterol is a little high, but I started out with high cholesterol. My doctor assures me it is okay.
Last weekend I started replacing some old galvanized pipes that share the wall between the bathroom and kitchen. Well, one thing leads to another, and I also rerouted some electrical wires too. All was going along nicely until I was putting the final touches on running the abs pipe above the basement bathroom. I had to stand on a step stool to reach. I propped all the parts within easy reach. I opened the glue can and glued one end of the pipe. As I withdrew my arm to get a new load of glue onto the dauber, I bumped into an electrical wire and dropped the dauber. It could not have been worse. It went right down inside a wall. It was way beyond recovery.
I jumped down from my perch and ran to the garage to find another dauber. I found an old can of abs glue. I removed the lid, but the glue had hardened so badly that I could not use it. Now I was frantic. I needed to return to my pipe before the applied glue hardened. I found a can of pvc glue and wiped all the glue from the dauber and then used it. I did not know this old man could move so fast. It all went well for the rest of the install.
The new faucet in the bathroom really works good and looks good too. If it lasts for fifty six years like the one I replaced, someone else will have to replace it. I do not intend to repair plumbing for many more years.
Kayak Bandit

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