This site is dedicated to the notion that the time has arrived to enjoy life. All the planning for the future has paid off. The future is here.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Comfort Food

Do you ever get the hankering for some comfort food, but you can't quite think what it is?
Peanut butter and celery - nope
green olives - nope
jalapeno green olives - nope
tin roof sundae ice cream - nope
Pickled pig feet - close, but no cigar

So, you go to the store and buy everything you have ever eaten before.

Once back home,
home made almond steamer - nope
sardines - nope
artichoke - the leaves aren't it
artichoke - neither is the heart
onion sandwich - nope
radish sandwich - nope
tomato on toast - yep,

but the fresh, homegrown ones from the garden won't be ripe for a month and a half. Now you wish you had not solved the craving, because it is not within your reach.

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