This site is dedicated to the notion that the time has arrived to enjoy life. All the planning for the future has paid off. The future is here.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Kick the Can

Boy, it sure has been a long time since I thought about this old game. The way I remember it, is that one person is "It." A tin can is placed in an open area. Then everyone is sent away as "It" counts to an agreed number. "It" counts very loud so as everyone scatters to a hiding spot they can hear the counting. When done counting "It" yells "Here I come ready or not".
Okay, now "It" sneaks away from the can only far enough that "It" can still get back to the can before one of the others can kick it. As I remember, "It" has to tag someone trying to get to the can before they kick the can. If a person is tagged, they are now "It". If someone kicks the can without getting tagged, everyone is allowed in for free and "It" remains "It".
What games did you play as a child? Help me refresh our memory of childhood games.
I am trying to remember "Red Rover" and others.
Did you ever step in the middle of a vegetable can until it squeezed itself around your shoe? It was fun to do this to both feet and make weird tracks in the gravel driveway. The longer you walked around like this the better the can became affixed to your shoe.

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