This site is dedicated to the notion that the time has arrived to enjoy life. All the planning for the future has paid off. The future is here.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Deception Pass - - Day Two

Stephanie, Katie, Sophia, Lilyanna & Nick showed up last night. Stephanie is amazing at how quickly she can set up her camp. In no time at all, the camp took shape with a nice very large tent and a kitchen area.
The evening meal, one of my favorites, was pepperoni pizza. We use these little pie irons to make them. You put two pieces of bread inside the iron with pepperoni, cheese and pizza squeeze sandwiched between the bread. Sophia was first to make one. It turned out perfectly toasted.
After a meal of pizza, we had to have something for a snack. We make popcorn over the fire. It also turned out very good.
Thursday morning we had a hot breakfast and went letterboxing by Oak Harbor. We had a fantastic time. The view out over the Sound was a little foggy, but very beautiful. We grabbed some needed supplies and returned to camp just as Jenny, Greg, Dylan and Claire showed up. Our family is now complete. Steph made a delicious Spaghetti. And, the toasted garlic rolls were perfect. She also served Zuchinni. Yum!
It is now almost dark and we are about to have S'Mores and popcorn. I thought I would write a quick note tonight and hopefully write more tomorrow.
Kayak Bandit

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Dad!
It was Penne, you knuckle head. Don't you know your Italian food? I mean really...your daughter married to an Italian should have taught you something! Thanks for all the compliments, though. I, too, thought the food was delicious.
Love ya,