This site is dedicated to the notion that the time has arrived to enjoy life. All the planning for the future has paid off. The future is here.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Windy Day

Yesterday was very windy here in Spokane, Washington. It was windy enough that you had to lean into the direction of the wind in order to walk home from the bus.
Being annoyed by the wind is one thing, but I cannot imagine the wind added to the fires of California. I feel so bad for all that are suffering because of the fires and now those fires are fanned by the winds.
I was planning to go to the park and listen to a free concert last night, but the wind would have made it too unpleasant. I wonder if they canceled the concert. I did not drive by to see.
One good thing happened because of the wind. A few days ago, while throwing the frisbee for Bandit, I made a bad toss and it landed on the roof of my house. I was too lazy to get a ladder to retrieve it. So last evening, I confused Bandit when I was headed out the door saying "Do you wanna play fetch?" He was aware that I hand no ball or frisbee. I sat down on the front step. He came to me with this quizzical lock. But when I pointed toward the frisbee and said "there it is" Bandit understood.
It always amazes me how well he remembers. If he has lost a ball one day, say it gets stuck in a branch of a tree higher than he can reach, and the next he is out front again. The first place he goes is straight to the spot where the ball was hung up.
Bandit sure is a lot of entertainment.

Kayak Bandit

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