This site is dedicated to the notion that the time has arrived to enjoy life. All the planning for the future has paid off. The future is here.

Friday, July 4, 2008


What does it really mean to be independent? You can succeed or fail. Your success or failure is no longer dependent on someone else. You are independent.
As a nation, our independence relieved us having to pay huge tariffs to our parent countries. Our independence meant we had to protect ourselves.
Our nation as a whole has been the best force for good ever known to mankind. Once we became independent, we set on a course of helping other peoples become independent too. Most countries seek to control the countries they help militarily. We rarely if ever get compensated for our efforts to free other people.
And, even though we once were subject to Europe, we do not hold grudges. Look how much we helped out all of Europe during the World Wars. There is no place on this planet that has improved itself without some help from the US. Look who is always first to show up with search and rescue after a disaster. Always for free.
I thank God that this country is founded in the belief of a Supreme Being. I especially appreciate that I can say my religious thoughts in a group without consequence. Why, anyone can believe what they want. You can even not believe.
So, what does this have to do with the price of tea in China? Try to honestly think where you would rather live than in the USA. I knew you wanted to stay here. So, let's all get together and get through this tough economic time we are in. We can and will succeed if we work together as generations of the past. Do you realize that as much as we complain about the high price of gasoline, it is nearly twice as expensive in parts of Europe. We still have it better here than anywhere in the world.
As a nation, lets stop complaining about the hard times and make them better. As for me, I am glad I/we are independent, even if there is a chance we can fail. Remember, "United We Stand!"
Kayak Bandit

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A Great 4th to you my friend.

From Latah GPS