This site is dedicated to the notion that the time has arrived to enjoy life. All the planning for the future has paid off. The future is here.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Garbage Disposal Placement

One would think it would be easy to decide which side of a double sink should have the garbage disposal. Well I am here to tell it is not easy.
For most of this spring, I have been planning ahead to the day that I tear out the last parts of my kitchen before I reassemble everything. Well, on Saturday, I tore everything out. Now I must wash dishes in the bathroom sink. I cooked breakfast on my camp stove outside. It was pretty good, if I say so myself.
But now that I am getting ready to put the wires and plumbing back into the wall, I have to place everything just so. I want it to be perfect. The problem is, I want it to be perfect in the eyes of any eventual wife. I know some of you married guys are confused. You probably think it would be great to slap everything together without harassment from the little old lady. Sure you do, uh huh? I bet if you think this all the way through though, you will see the quandary. It might be okay for the short term to put a light switch on the wrong side of a sink, but not for the long term.
If you choose the wrong side, that sweet little bride will get more upset every time she uses the misplaced switch. Pretty soon the sweet little bride is no longer as sweet as you would like. "What ever made you think to put that switch there?" "That is the dumbest place to put a switch!" "It will cost twenty thousand dollars to hire a contractor to fix your stupid mistake, and I ain't payin' for it, you are!"
Enough about that. Suffice it to say, I want to get it right in case I trick some pretty thing into marrying me. Here is the debate. My dishwasher is to the right of the sink. My stove is on the left. I am buying a double sink that has the faucets to the right of center, with the larger sink on the left. With the faucets to the right, it seems your right hand will be busy with the sprayer. That only leaves one choice in my mind for which side to install the garbage disposer switch. You guessed it, the left. That solves today's question.
I am headed off to install the switch on the left. The debate is over on that, but the debate will begin anew when it is time to actually install the disposer. So, go to my poll and help me choose the right way to install the disposer.
Kayak Bandit


Holly said...


The Troll did this exact thing right before I met him and married him, except he was not in the least concerned about what ANYONE thought about said kitchen. The first time I walked into this kitchen I looked and him and said WHAT WERE YOU THINKING.... obviously you were not! Needless to say I redid most of the kitchen ! :O)

Your post brought back a lot of memories BUT I still think that it should go on the right side of the sink ! :O)

Good luck with your project!
Love reading your blog

Holly Talley Valley Farm Clan

Anonymous said...

I would think it would depend on your counter space.

To wit:

I think the garbage disposal (the electric pig) should go on the sink in which you wash the dishes. This sink will be encountering foodstuffs from off the plates, and not having to transfer these would make life easier.

Which sink you wash dishes in depends on a number of factors, not least of which is, on which side of the sink is there sufficient space to place a dish drainer? If there's not sufficient space on one side, but there is on the other, figure the sinks will go in a straight line; wash, rinse, then the counter for the drainer. In this case, the electric pig should go on the side away from the side with the drainer.

If both sides have sufficient space, it may not matter, although the usual method is wash on the right, rinse on the left, drain on the far left counter; on the theory that one's right shoulder is stronger (most people being right-handed), and, thus, transferring dishes from sink to sink to drainer is easier with the right hand.

Still, I would think it wouldn't be too much hardship to do it the other way....provided there is counter space, as I said. That's the biggie, I think.

Mully said...

I always work from left to I say LEFT!

In regards to countertop space I have more on the right, but somehow the clean dishes always end-up on the Left....not sure why this is.

But the REAL dish washer is on the right, see there goes that left to right thing again.

Hope my input counts!

Mully :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Dad! Here's my 2 cents...and since I'm the lady most likely to use your sink, I hope it counts for something.
I think the switch and garbage disposal should go on the left. If your dish washer is open, you could still access the switch and disposal. You could scrape, rinse and place in the dishwasher without any trouble.
I also think this is best because this is what I'm use to. I always wash from left to right--dirty dishes stacked on the left, washed on left side of the sink, rinsed on the right, and then placed to dry on the right counter.
This may not be the "official" method, but what can I say?...I'm a creature of habit.
Can't wait to see the finished product. I know it will be great!

Sue KuKu said...

I think it used to be that your disposal was on the same side as the dishwasher. However, dishwashers have their own little disposals in them, so food stuffs from the dishwasher don't necessarily go into the sink area.

My dishwasher and large counter (above it) is on the left, small counter on the right between sink & wall.

My disposal is in the left sink, switch is on the right above that small counter, on which I stack dirty dishes until I can load them into dishwasher.

This is all bass ackwards if you think about it, but I function just fine!

I didn't have a disposal for years. It's nice to have one because then you're not freaking out about any little scrap of food that slips down the sink. However, they take up a LOT of room under the sink. I don't have enough room for my garbage can AND recycling bag and that's what actually drives me the craziest!

Pretty soon the sweet little bride is no longer as sweet as you would like. "What ever made you think to put that switch there?" "That is the dumbest place to put a switch!" "It will cost twenty thousand dollars to hire a contractor to fix your stupid mistake, and I ain't payin' for it, you are!"

Who are you dating? If you do "trick some pretty thing" into marrying you, don't admit you're the one who put it where it is!

You know what I would really like? A better dishwasher like I used to have, one with a timer switch, so I could set it hours before I go to bed and not have to remember it.

All the townhouses on my street have the same appliances (and let's face it, most of us have not replaced them -- hey, I have a functioning dishwasher!)

When I met a bunch of them at a block BBQ last year, I mentioned my method: I load my dishes, put in the soap, close it up and put the bottle of soap on the landing of my stairs, so I'll see it before I go to bed. The washer is way too noisy to start up and relax in the living room 20 feet away.

They liked my solution.

Which just goes to show our houses are never perfect and we can adapt just fine.


Jimmy said...

I think all the sinks I have seen have the disposal in the left side of the sink except the one here at work. I find that people here at work will put food and dirty plates in the left side and forks and utensils in the right(where they go down the disposal).

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Unknown said...


please visit my website for all your garbage disposal related stuffs.

God bless you!