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Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Garbage Disposal Placement Revisited

I know we have already been over this subject. I really appreciate every comment. Thanks for voting in the poll.
Some of those that commented said they could not be sure of their position unless they knew the layout of the kitchen. So, I drew a little sketch that will give you an idea what my cupboards will be like.
Everything to the right of the sink, extending over the dishwasher is clear counter space. Everything to the left of the sink is clear counter space until the stove. You can see there is plenty of space on either side to use as one chooses. The sink wall is ten feet long. The window is centered on that wall. The sink will also be centered on that wall directly beneath the window.
I am moving the disposer switch from left of the sink to slightly left of center of window and sink. It will be somewhat behind the left side sink bowl.
Notice that the sink I am buying is not equal sized. The bowl on the left is larger than the right. Also notice the faucet is behind the smaller, right side bowl. Here is a link to my choice.
It is possible that the actual sink I have in mind is slightly different from this link. I remembered my choice had the drain holes far back. I know the one at Home Depot had the holes in the rear of the sink which will allow room in front under the sink for a garbage can.
Someone commented that the faucet they like has the sprayer incorporated into the faucet. My daughter Jenny has one of these. You just pull it out and squeeze to get it to change from stream to spray. You can also pull it out and not squeeze the trigger. This works well to fill tall pots that don't fit under the faucet. She likes it a lot.The whole sink area looks better without the extra sprayer. I think I will get one.
This added information may have changed your opinion. Somehow, I doubt it. But, if it did, go back to the poll and change your vote.
Now I have to decide whether to abide by the poll results or stay with the unified voices of my two very lovely daughters. Stephanie has commented for you to read. Maybe Jennifer will post her ideas also. Watch for a poll that asks whether to honor my daughters opinions despite the fact they are in the minority on this issue.
Again, thank you for weighing in on this important decision.
Kayak Bandit


Sue KuKu said...

Hey Steve, I take offense at your drawing!

In my house, there are never "lazy Susans" but turntables.

How would you like if something was labeled "lazy Steves"?

And don't EVEN get me started when I was at Camp Fire Girl camp (back when there was only girls).

They couldn't call the outhouses "johns" with only girls so they called them, you guessed it, "suzies".

Oh the pain!

KuKu (Susan, called Suzie by my family!)

Kayak Bandit said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sue KuKu said...

"King" Steve,

Wonder what your new wife will rename it? Depends on what her name will be.

Dynamic Diane? Twirling Twila?

In the meantime, someone at AQ told me to get over myself because I'm sensitive regarding this issue.

I can't stop being sensitive about this. "Sticks and stones . . ." isn't always true.


who likes her name despite the many slurs against it