This site is dedicated to the notion that the time has arrived to enjoy life. All the planning for the future has paid off. The future is here.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Fun on the Water

I am so very proud of my circle of friends and family. I think I will share a little about it right now. My sister, Barb, is my best friend in life. We really, really appreciate each other. Our kids grew up together. Many wonderful memories. Barb is an adventurous person. and this blog Surprise - Surprise is written by her husband Dick, "The Red Lion Man". Can you believe that my dear (sixty two year old) sister is going to ski in a tournament with her daughter and her granddaughter? Do you see why I am so proud of my family?
Dick has a sister named Galilee that works with a letterboxer named (Yiker) Angela. Angela may very likely convince Galilee and others to take up the hobby (addiction) of letterboxing.
The circle of friends and family is also connected through Susan ( KuKu ), another letterboxer. You see, Susan contributes blogs to this site under the name Sue KuKu. Well, Susan and Angela are long time best friends.
But that is not all. Susan and I became friends when we were both trying to get Atlas Quest to install a board for us to communicate on about my passion of kayaking and Susan's passion of Dragon Boat Racing. We did. eventually, get the board that we wanted. When I read a post by Susan wanting to share a ride to a letterboxing event that my daughter, Stephanie ( BalladoneBunch ) was planning to go to, I connected the two. They enjoyed each other a lot on that trip.
It is amazing to me how much smaller this World gets as we go through life. Our lives are many hundreds of miles apart, but we find ourselves together in spirit. I am so very grateful for the wonderful friends and family that I have.
I hope you write encouragement to my sister when you view her water skiing slide show.
Kayak Bandit


Angela Schwindt said...

Yes, the world is small - can't wait to meet you in person.We'll probably figure out that we're related- that happens to me a lot! Nice words, thanks KB.


Sue KuKu said...

You may think Angela is kidding about being related, but too many times it's true!

I wouldn't be surprised.
