This site is dedicated to the notion that the time has arrived to enjoy life. All the planning for the future has paid off. The future is here.

Monday, June 30, 2008


My Saturday is even wilder than last night.
I have to inspect the sewer connection for a church. The members needed to connect the sewer to the public sewer on Saturday because they mostly work during the week and their Worship Service is on Sunday. I volunteered to do the inspection.
I got up at six as usual and made breakfast from leftover hamburger buns. BTW, hamburger buns make the very best french toast in the whole wide world. I am not kidding!
I wrote a blog or two. Drank coffee. Showered, and got dressed.
Getting out of the shower, I noticed the Pastor had called on my work phone. I returned his call to discover they were having difficulty. I tried to understand what was wrong, but instead offered to drive over and check it out in person. It was no big deal, and we resolved it. I even helped put the pipe together. There was a big grassy area, so I threw the Frisbee for Bandit. Soon the connection was made and I left to come home to more left over sausages. Yum.
I wasted the last half of last night's beer. May I have another one today, or am I in trouble for wasting? One of my friends demanded "Go for it!" I drank the whole thing in less than two hours. It did get above ninety degrees today. I really appreciated the beer.
Around four thirty, the people from the church got the last of the pipe installed. I went over and approved the work. Now I get to hang out in the house for the evening. I think I will carve some more stamps and go to bed early. I plan to go out kayaking tomorrow. I will go early to beat the heat.

Kayak Bandit

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