This site is dedicated to the notion that the time has arrived to enjoy life. All the planning for the future has paid off. The future is here.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Back at the Nine Mile

Last year, Dick and I went back to Minnesota for Camp Jim's 75 year celebration, where his brother was to be the guest speaker. We camped out in Wadena with my "old" school buddy, Penny, and her sister, Judy. One of the days we took a tour of the country side. Here are a few of the pictures we took of the "Nine Mile." We discovered the bridge had been replace in 1999. The grass and weeds had already reclaimed the area. If you didn't know there had been another bridge there I don't think you would of even noticed the pilings where our beloved bridge once stood. The swimming hole and the sandy path to it was still well used. There were no kids enjoying it that day, just old friends remembering "the good old days." We snapped a few pictures and left. Thanks for the memories!
Steve's sister, Barb


Kayak Bandit said...

I did not read this post of yours until now. These are some great pictures. Thanks for sharing.
Steve aka Kayak Bandit

Anonymous said...

Thanks Steve, I was begining to wonder if you liked it or not. It was Dicks idea, but he let me write the story and chose the pictures. Barb