This site is dedicated to the notion that the time has arrived to enjoy life. All the planning for the future has paid off. The future is here.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Running over a deer

As many of you know, I used to live near Green Bluff, Washington. Green Bluff is an agricultural town and a suburb of Spokane. It is well known for it's fruit and vegetables. My home was one of the farthest up the hill toward Mount Spokane. I had a garden and fruit trees, but mostly I raised alfalfa. The deer loved all of these crops, especially the alfalfa. It was fun to sit out in the evening and watch the deer arrive in the field. One evening I counted over sixty deer in the fields I farmed.
There were so many deer in our area that this truism was coined: There are two types of people that live in Green Bluff - - - people that HAVE hit deer with their car and people that have NOT hit deer - - - YET!
I have to say that I was pretty lucky in that regard. One deer was pretty traumatized though. You see, one morning on my way to work a deer bounded up over the bank from a neighbors field. I slammed the brakes and slid to a screeching stop after tipping the deer over. I could hear and feel the deer under my pickup. Apparently his hooves were thrashing for traction to get out from underneath. I got out of the pickup, just as this scared and humiliated deer bounded back into the field it had come from. I watched it as it ran to the trees on the far side. I am pretty sure it was okay.
Kayak Bandit


Sharon said...

Did you enjoy cow tipping in your youth, too?

Kayak Bandit said...

I am still in my youth, yes!

Sharon said...

Oh good, that's encouraging! That means I have at least another 12-13 years of youth left.

Kayak Bandit said...

You are a mere child