This site is dedicated to the notion that the time has arrived to enjoy life. All the planning for the future has paid off. The future is here.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Good Kitty

I think all of my problems in life have now been solved. I got a cat. So, Sharon, I followed your advice. Thanks.
Sophia and Shirley M, I am sorry that you have cat allergies. I hope we can figure out how you can safely visit here without suffering too much.
Allie is proving to be very smart, confident, warm and brave. Bandit is very curious about this new "friend". He wants to investigate Allie, but Allie wants to set the terms of when they are near each other. If Bandit come toward Allie, Allie will start this low growling. It does not sound very menacing to me, but Bandit gets the message real clear to stay back. But when Allie is walking around the house, she always goes very near to Bandit as long as Allie has a quick escape in mind. She likes to keep a chair or something in between herself and Bandit. Her favorite trick is to walk straight toward Bandit and then spring up high above his reach. It appears to me to be a show of superiority.
And, we made it through our first night without any disturbance. I do not know where Allie slept last night, but this morning, Bandit was not beside my bed. He apparently wanted to be near his new friend. Who care? Oh, yeah, I do.
Kayak Bandit

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The dog left the room because he was pissed.

The Scotsman