This site is dedicated to the notion that the time has arrived to enjoy life. All the planning for the future has paid off. The future is here.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Eskimo Roll

When I ask someone if they would like to go kayaking, they usually recoil slightly and get a serious look on their face. Their question back to me explains.
"So, how hard is it to learn the eskimo roll?", they ask. Or, "How much time do you spend upside down?"
The answer is moderate and none.
You see, the idea that you must be able to tip over and right yourself in order to kayak is false. Many of us kayak for many years without ever tipping over. Oh, there may be the occaisonal slip as you try to launch. But for the most part you can kayak without getting wet.
When choosing a kayak, you should get a stable one. Now that I think about it, you should also choose a friend that is stable. Since I am not that person, would you like me to refer you to someone that is?
But seriously, for the beginner, there are many non tippy models to choose from. I recommend asking at your local stores about demo days. Here in Spokane, Mountain Gear, takes about a dozen canoes and kayaks to a nearby lake. They staff the demo with very knowledgeable persons that can explain the benefits of each of the models.
Like many sports, you will likely graduate to another kayak after you have some water behind you. I get carried away more than most. I now have six kayaks.

If you wish to learn how to roll your kayak like an eskimo, check out your local kayak clubs. They usually have some members that are certified instructors. But, do not hesitate to try. You will be glad you did.

Kayak Bandit '(*!*)'

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