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Wednesday, June 18, 2008


So, the USA is evil because we want people to knock at our front door (border) before they come in? Imagine a home anywhere in the world. Now try to imagine, someone from outside that home thinking, just for a minute, they could waltz into that home and start calling the shots. Pretty preposterous, isn't it.
It seems my analogy about one's home is a good analogy to apply to the United States. Every day many foreigners avoid our front door and cross our border in secrecy. Once they are here, they hold us hostage to pay for the cost to educate them and their children. They expect us to pay for them to go to our emergency rooms.
Who is to blame, you ask? I say it is the extremes in our political system. Neither the Republican nor the Democrat is free from my disapproval. The regular everyday working class person is not to blame. Nearly every person I know believes like I do that this problem is perpetuated by political self interest. Every discussion, I have participated in, includes the caveat that the poor Mexican folks that cross our border are not bad people. I agree whole heartedly.
Word of mouth spreads the message from farmers, meat packers, orchardists, fast food places and other employers that they will hire illegal workers. The benefit to the employer is paying under the table and not having to pay the benefits to the worker. Word of mouth also spreads the word amongst the workers to use the emergency room for medical care and claim they are unemployed.
Building a fence may be necessary, but not to keep out the person seeking a job. What will deter a job seeker from sneaking into our country is the consistent application of our existing laws that prohibit employing someone that is here illegally. The fence may be necessary to prevent terrorism, but if that is true, why are we only building a southern fence? We know that evil doers have tried to get in through our northern border.
Those that approved the southern fence are messing with our money. They think we will accept that they are proactive against illegal immigration. What they should do is require, and I do mean require, the fair application of existing laws against hiring illegal persons.
If when this is implemented, then we can invite as many hard working foreigners into our country as we contemplatively decide. We can invite the type of worker that best fits the employment need. Kind of like a job interview - - - conducted in American English.
Kayak Bandit '(*!*)'

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