This site is dedicated to the notion that the time has arrived to enjoy life. All the planning for the future has paid off. The future is here.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Rubber Band Gun Standoff

I have an older brother. I was in awe of him. He drove a Ford Fairlane, two door that had the police car interceptor, eight cylinder engine. It could throw gravel for a country mile. Like I said I was in awe.
I wasn't the only one that was in awe of Larry. Half the girls in our town and the neighboring towns would have given their last pair of bobby sox for just a smile from Larry. He was our high school Snow King, for goodness sake. He was the football team's fullback.
One day Larry came home with his girlfriend. This was the first time he had brought Wanda to our home. I am not sure how long they had been dating, but it was a really big deal for a guy to formally introduce his girlfriend to his parents. Larry must have tipped off my folks, because dad had combed his hair. No man would comb his hair needlessly. Why, he could always put a hat on if he needed to go outside. Ya know what I mean?
For several days leading up to this big event, I had been working on a new and improved rubber band gun. My grandpa gave me his last inner tube made from red rubber. All of us knew they made the best bands for a gun. I carefully cut the bands a uniform width. I used up the whole inner tube making my bands.
Now that I had plenty of bands I decided to make my rubber band gun shoot multiple shots. I worked hard making the notches just so. I stretched the bands in place and was standing there admiring my own work. Boy was I proud of my invention. The very first repeating rubber band gun in the world.
Well my pride of this invention collided with Larry's pride of his girlfriends beauty. You see, I wanted Larry to watch me demonstrate my gun and he was determined to introduce Wanda to my folks. When Larry would not give me the courtesy to watch, I warned him that I would shoot him if he did not watch. I aimed the gun at him and, to his peril, he tried to brush by me. I shot him in the stomach. From his reaction, I could tell it hurt. He started for me, but I stood my ground, gun aimed. After all, I had many more shots left. He recognized I meant business when I said "there's plenty more where that came from".
He was no dummy. He took Wanda inside. As he headed in, I took off. I suspected he would clean my clock if I hung around. Boy it is amazing what a young man will do when he is in love. They completely lose sight of what is important. A brother should always take time for a younger brother. Even when the younger brother is a brat. Larry, I am sorry I was a brat. And no, mom did not make me say that to you. I mean it.
Kayak Bandit '(*!*)'


Sue KuKu said...

Well, well, what a snotty little brother you were!

Of course, it was just my sister, 5 years older, and me and we ALWAYS got along swimmingly!

Why, she absolutely appreciated it when she & her date were sitting in the car in front of our house and I would be in my bedroom, very obviously looking out my window and trying to see what they were doing!

Yep, she communicated her "apprciation" very strongly to me and my parents on several occasions!


Anonymous said...

Great work.