This site is dedicated to the notion that the time has arrived to enjoy life. All the planning for the future has paid off. The future is here.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

New Contributor

I have been blogging for about two months. It is amazing to me that some out there are actually reading what this old country boy has to say. Thank you for your interest.
I know some of you are reading it and laughing at the idiot writer. My intent was for you to read the wit and laugh at the subject, not laugh at me. But, if laughing at me makes you laugh, so be it. Well, I have good news for you. At least I believe it will be received with appreciation. I invited KuKu to contribute to this site. She has graciously accepted. The last we conversed though, she seemed intimidated by the vast audience involved. She thinks there are millions of readers, hanging on my every word. I do not know where she got such an idea. I don't remember skewing my readership from two people to many million people. I guess you call that a vivid imagination!
For those members of Atlas Quest, you likely know her from her witty, lively zestful and poignant posts on the Atlas Quest boards. If you are unaware of KuKu, sit back and watch for her postings. I know you will be touched.
Be sure to look for the posts on Father's Day. I know it is a vague tease, but you will not be disappointed.
Give a warm welcome to my friend, KuKu. Be sure to comment when she posts. Oh, I like comments too. At first, you needed to log in, in order to post a comment. Now you do not need to. So try it again, both of you.
See Yah,
Kayak Bandit '(*!*)'

1 comment:

Sue KuKu said...

Wow, KB, thanks for the great introduction.

Now, I need to get out my SHOVEL!!

Of course, I didn't think there will millions of readers.

Don't believe him when he says there are two.

I know for a fact there are five.
