This site is dedicated to the notion that the time has arrived to enjoy life. All the planning for the future has paid off. The future is here.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Wanted: Alive

I know this young man from my past that felt he was unwanted as a child. Let's call him Joe.
It seems that Joe was born to a woman that was quite old. This lady thought that she was too old to concieve, and was not taking precautions in that regard. Despite her age, she gave wonderful care to Joe. She would often refer to Joe as her surprise baby.
Joe was younger than some of his neices and nephews. These kids found that they could invoke emotion from Joe by saying that Joe was not a planned pregnacy, therefore he must have been unwanted. Just kids being kids, right?
Joe would invariably run to his mother and snuggle to her bosom and query whether he was a wanted child. His mom would wisely say that she was surprised to have him, but truthfully, she did not deliberately become pregnant. Joe would ask if she was trying to avoid pregnacy when she became pregnant with him. Well, she would sheepishly admit that she was avoiding pregnacy, but had she only know how wonderful Joe was to be, she would have planned for him.
This situation often replayed itself with variations. Joe would feel his mother's love and return to play some more. I am sure Joe revisited this issue when he sat and pondered life's important issues.
As Joe became a man, he met a lovely lady who was to eventually become his wife. She was much younger than Joe. After they were in a relationship for some time, she became pregnant. Much discussion ensued. All on both sides of the families weighed in with their thoughts. Despite her youth, everyone agreed they should marry. It has proven to be the right choice.
The night of the birth of their son, Joe could not be more proud of this little, beautiful, blessed, gift from God. He paraded his gift for all to see. Boy, was Joe proud. He did stop and get very serious as he presented the baby to its paternal grandmother. He paused long enough to tell her that he now understood how an unplanned pregnacy could give a gift that you did not know you wanted so desperately.
God has his ways to enlighten us. Thank God!
Kayak Bandit '(*!*)'

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