This site is dedicated to the notion that the time has arrived to enjoy life. All the planning for the future has paid off. The future is here.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Eleven Boxes

Last night, Stormcrow hosted a letterboxing party. It used some of the methods used at Live and Breathe.
I snagged all eleven boxes and had a great time.
Thanks Stormcrow.
Kayak Bandit

Sunday, October 26, 2008

How to draw a boy 3

How does your picture look? Mine looks a little old fashioned. You can add a nice looking hair cut, or a nose ring, or ear rings or whatever. I think he needs a neck.
When you get yours all done, be sure to send me a copy. I will post it on this site if you do.
On a side note, Allie is really stressed out. She is sitting on my desk while I am writing this blog. The sun is shinning through the trees and casting a shadow onto the window in my computer room. There are a lot of birds in that tree. They fly around and Allie can see their shadow. It is driving her nuts.
Kayak Bandit

Saturday, October 25, 2008

How to draw a boy, 2

I bet your picture of a boy looks better than my picture of a boy. Oh, wait, we are not done yet. Can you see the basis for a picture of a boy? If, you have done what I wanted you to do, your boy picture should be looking to the side. The stem of the b is one side of his head and the stem of the y is the other side of his head.
If you want to see what my picture looks like at this point, go back to yesterday's post and look. I added a picture to let you see what I meant.
Well, now it is time to finish the boy's face. To make a nose for your boy, just set your crayon down between the two eyes. Go down the page and to the left for a short distance and then go to the right. He needs a mouth. A simple curved line makes his mouth appear closed. Remember, this is your picture and you can make his mouth open or closed. Don't forget to add eyebrows, lashes, ear rings, nose rings, or whatever else you think he needs.
Oh, we forgot to fill in his eyes. Now, this is a little harder than the rest of the picture. You can make his eyes look to the side or up or down. With some practice you will get pretty good at it.
Here is what my picture looks like. I bet yours is even better!
Kayak Bandit

Friday, October 24, 2008

How to draw a boy

Okay, all of you artists out there, this is a series of lessons on how to draw the face of a boy. My granddaughter, Sophia, and I were discussing her art class. Sophia loves to draw cats and frogs. She has tried to draw horses and dogs, but admittedly they could have been better. When I asked her if she can draw a boy from the word boy, she said I had never shown her before. So, I said I would post it on this site.
So, today, class, start with a clean sheet of paper and write the word "boy". Be sure to use a small letter "b". Now draw a small letter "o" without crowding the o next to the b. Now, again without crowding, draw a "y". But, I want you to draw the y by starting out with a curved bottom u. Yes, begin with a u and add the downward stem to make it a y.
Well, gather all your stuff together so when I write the next installment of the series you can keep up. You are going to love the picture you create.
Kayak Bandit

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I hit a moose

Have you ever noticed how a once in a million chance happens at just the wrong time? Well, I had gone up into the woods for a load of firewood. As I remember it, it was Penny, Stevie Joe, Gary and myself. We had my big Dodge one ton and my big trailer. With all the help, we had loaded the old girl pretty heavy. It had been raining and the roads were very muddy.
We were coming out of the mountains, following a creek. We came to this spot that I especially liked to look at. It was where the creek sprawled out into several ponds. The grass was tall on the edges of the ponds and there was a mossy bottom. We always had seen moose tracks in the area. Well, this time the tracks still had moose standing in the tracks.
There was a cow and two calves. I guess they are called calves. Anyway, they were youngsters. We sat with the truck running and watched. It seemed the mom told the youngsters to head for the hills, as they rambled up into the brush on the far side of the creek. The cow continued to stand in the pond and lower her head under water to come back up with a mouth full of the mossy stuff from the bottom of the pond.
I got out on the far side of the truck and clapped my hands to try to get the moose to move around. I was hoping to show the others how tall a moose is when not in the water. It seemed to me that moose look very low to the ground unless on solid ground. On solid ground they look more like a horse, because of their long legs. Well, clapping my hands meant nothing to this moose. She did not even turn to look at us. It was frustrating.
So, I picked out a rock smaller than a baseball. I planned to splash the rock near her. I reared back and threw the rock. Oh, no! It headed straight as could be, right for the moose. It hit the moose right on the ear. I about crapped my pants. I had no intention to hit the moose, I only wanted to make it move around. Well, it moved. It moved about ten leaps and went back to eating moss.
I swear it is true. Especially the part that I did not mean to hurt the poor thing.
Kayak Bandit

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Introducing Allie

Drum roll please!
Here is Allie!
Allie is the greatest cat ever. She was never trained to stay off a table, yet, is accepting my efforts to keep off the table. I get up each time I see her get up on the table. I usually just sweep her off the edge and let her jump down to the floor. If she is not prepared to make a safe landing, I pick her up and turn her loose on the floor or a chair. She, already notices me heading for her and jumps down, rather than being forced to get down. I think, too, that she gets up less often with each removal.
The funniest thing is that Bandit realized that I will remove the cat from the table, when caught. So, last night, Bandit came to me and nudged my hand. I petted Bandit and returned to the computer. Bandit immediately nudged my hand again. I looked at Bandit and he turns from the room and leads me into the dinning room to where Allie was sitting on the table. Bandit and Allie lock eyes and I remove Allie from the table. The exchanged looks between Allie and Bandit were priceless. Yes, Bandit is a tattle tale.
Kayak Bandit

Monday, October 20, 2008

Running over a deer

As many of you know, I used to live near Green Bluff, Washington. Green Bluff is an agricultural town and a suburb of Spokane. It is well known for it's fruit and vegetables. My home was one of the farthest up the hill toward Mount Spokane. I had a garden and fruit trees, but mostly I raised alfalfa. The deer loved all of these crops, especially the alfalfa. It was fun to sit out in the evening and watch the deer arrive in the field. One evening I counted over sixty deer in the fields I farmed.
There were so many deer in our area that this truism was coined: There are two types of people that live in Green Bluff - - - people that HAVE hit deer with their car and people that have NOT hit deer - - - YET!
I have to say that I was pretty lucky in that regard. One deer was pretty traumatized though. You see, one morning on my way to work a deer bounded up over the bank from a neighbors field. I slammed the brakes and slid to a screeching stop after tipping the deer over. I could hear and feel the deer under my pickup. Apparently his hooves were thrashing for traction to get out from underneath. I got out of the pickup, just as this scared and humiliated deer bounded back into the field it had come from. I watched it as it ran to the trees on the far side. I am pretty sure it was okay.
Kayak Bandit

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Good Kitty

I think all of my problems in life have now been solved. I got a cat. So, Sharon, I followed your advice. Thanks.
Sophia and Shirley M, I am sorry that you have cat allergies. I hope we can figure out how you can safely visit here without suffering too much.
Allie is proving to be very smart, confident, warm and brave. Bandit is very curious about this new "friend". He wants to investigate Allie, but Allie wants to set the terms of when they are near each other. If Bandit come toward Allie, Allie will start this low growling. It does not sound very menacing to me, but Bandit gets the message real clear to stay back. But when Allie is walking around the house, she always goes very near to Bandit as long as Allie has a quick escape in mind. She likes to keep a chair or something in between herself and Bandit. Her favorite trick is to walk straight toward Bandit and then spring up high above his reach. It appears to me to be a show of superiority.
And, we made it through our first night without any disturbance. I do not know where Allie slept last night, but this morning, Bandit was not beside my bed. He apparently wanted to be near his new friend. Who care? Oh, yeah, I do.
Kayak Bandit

Friday, October 17, 2008


Tonight, after work, I took my friend Jim out to eat at the casino in Worley. Yum! All the seafood you can eat. Monster king crab legs! If you bump into Jim, be sure to mention that you are aware he is now older than Kayak Bandit. Happy Birthday, Jim! Actually, it is in two days on Monday.
I am bugged, are you?
Sorry, I could not resist.
Kayak Bandit

Thursday, October 16, 2008


Today, on the bus ride home, a good friend, and fellow kayaker, Barb, asked if anyone wanted a very nice cat. I explained that on the day Bandit got hurt, that I was planning to get a cat from the shelter, and had changed my mind because I did not want to introduce a cat when Bandit was in a weakened state.
So, should I get this cat? No one knows if it will be a mouser or not. It is free and very loving. It is used to sharing a home with a dog. What do you think?
Vote on my blogsite.
Kayak Bandit

Three Down

Okay, I have some good news for those cheering for me to rid this home of mice. As, you know, Bandit is on house arrest because of his leg problem, not because he is a poor watch dog. So, Bandit is watching out for the house, and I am watching TV. A mouse scampers across the living room and Bandit is all over the situation. He immediately corners (using three legs) the mouse in the fireplace. He looks over at me. I move a rack of TV trays and look for the mouse. No mouse. We both gave up.
Soon bandit is studying the new gas range. This range is stored in the living room until the new gas lines are installed. Yeah, he is studying the range. I turn off the TV. Now, I can hear what he heard. The clicking of tiny little mouse feet trying to climb up something under the range.
I opened the broiler drawer and rattled the broiler pan. Very noisy. Out ran this scared little mouse into the fireplace for one quick circle of the area and back under the range. I rattled the broiler pan again. Very, very noisy and obnoxious. Out ran this scared little mouse into the fireplace and into the hollow end of an andiron.
I immediately tipped the andiron up. I carried it to the kitchen, grabbed a set of serving tongs, turned on the water in the sink, turned on the disposer and turned the andiron's open end down into the sink. It worked. The mouse fell into the stream of water. But, it almost jumped out of the sink. I swatted it back into the sink, just in time. Then, I grabbed it with the tongs.
Eventually the mouse lost. I believe it was a quick painless death.
Good riddance!
Bandit and Kayak Bandit

My Job

Like a lot of folks, I have a job. I work, they pay me. I pay my taxes and the government distributes my taxes as it see fit. In order to get that paycheck, I am required to pass a random urine test with which I have no problem. What I do have a problem with is the distribution of my taxes to people who don’t have to pass a urine test.

Shouldn’t one have to pass a urine test to get a welfare check because I have to pass one to earn it for them? Please understand, I have no problem with helping people get back on their feet. I do, on the other hand, have a problem with helping someone sitting on their bum, doing drugs, while I work . . . . Can you imagine how much money the state would save if people had to pass a urine test to get a public assistance check?

I guess we could title that program, ‘Urine or You’re Out.’

Kayak Bandit

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Bandage Free

Well, Bandit is bandage free! We just got back from the vet. He is very confident the surgery and reattachment was successful. He said there is good tension at the affected tendon.
Bandit is still under house arrest for one week. After one week he will be allowed and encouraged to go for controlled walks. He will not be allowed to cavort on a long leash. He must stay calm on a short leash. Wish me success on that responsibility. If things seem normal to me, I will not have to return to the vet again on this issue.
Get well, soon Bandit,
Kayak Bandit

Monday, October 13, 2008

Beautiful North Idaho

Today was my first day back at work, as I wrote about yesterday. Well, it went pretty good. I was busy all day, and so the day went by quickly. I prefer it that way.
Some times my mind wandered away from work to wondering how Bandit was doing. You see, this is probably tougher on him than on me. He has to poop and pee on my schedule and not his. Let me tell you, I could not survive long if the shoe was on the other foot. Bandit has been used to living outside while I work. Despite the past, Bandit did fine.
At other times, I considered how nice it was to walk amongst trees on a ridge looking over the most beautiful lake in the world. My friend, Jeff, is fascinated by dead, gnarled stumps and trees. So, we took many pictures of those. Here is a sampling of some of the photos of our Saturday letterboxing.
I went to get the pictures of the gnarled trees and discovered that Jeff must have them on his camera. Maybe he will post them on his blog. I have a link to his blog, Stormcrow's Blog. The beauty of North Idaho is so amazing. Even with a cheap camera, the pictures are breathtaking.
I am going to watch some football and relax. I think I will hold Bandit on my lap. Have a great week,
Kayak Bandit

Sunday, October 12, 2008

I owe, I owe, so off to work I go!

I have had a productive two weeks. I am using my kitchen. All my choices that I labored over seem to be the correct choices. I am very pleased with every aspect of the kitchen.
Today, I took on little tasks that needed to be done sometime. Today was the right day. I got a call from Home Depot that my special ordered storm door was in. While there picking it up, I bought the oak trim that I will use along the back of the counter top. I also bought a diamond blade for my four inch grinder to flush trim, in place, the tiles that were half exposed behind the microwave. That turned out very good.
Yesterday was a tremendous day. The weather was crisp, clear with a strong breeze. It was the perfect weather for a fat old man to go for a hike in the mountains. Jeff chose to letterbox atop Mineral Ridge. Mineral ridge is the divide between Wolf Bay and Beauty Bay on the East side of Lake Coeur d Alene. This was the first trip to this spot for me and the second for Jeff. Jeff was very patient with my rate of ascent, despite his much better shape and youth. I scored seven letterboxes. Thanks for the fun time, Jeff.
Back to work,
Kayak Bandit

Friday, October 10, 2008


Normally I avoid discussing any advice regarding buying or selling of stocks, but I felt this is important enough to share and warn you since this explosive situation might prove to be yet another ENRON.

Please review any holdings you might have in the following stocks: American Can, Interstate Water, National Gas Company, Northern Tissue Company.

Due to uncertain market conditions, I advise you to sit tight on your American Can, hold your Water, and let go of your Gas. You may be interested to know that Northern Tissue touched a new bottom today, and millions were wiped clean.

It's a tough market out there. Be careful!

Kayak Bandit

Under Sink View

Here is a look at the space under my new sink. Notice that the disposer if closer to the front than anything else, and yet, there is enough room for the garbage can to fit.
Kayak Bandit

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


The sink sure looks nice. I mudded the sheetrock and while it was drying, mowed the lawn for the last time this year.
I had to make a custom piece of trim for under the window. It needed to be narrower than the old piece since I have the electric switch for the disposer under the window now. I'll nail it up in the morning. I cleaned up all the dust before painting under the sink and painting where the dishwasher goes. I think I will have a functioning sink and dishwasher tomorrow.
I cannot wait.

Sink is in!

Yesterday was fun. I finished the laminate and beveled the edges all the way around.
The most fun was lowering the sink into it's permanent home. My friends, Jim and Shirley, were nice enough to come over and help with that. We sat around and visited for quite a while. Shirley stamped her approval on the choice of hardware that I bought.
Shirley suggests not putting any backsplash on the walls at the bar. We discussed putting backsplash on the part that is above the cupboards, and not on the sides where you sit. I am leaning toward the latter. The laminate is close enough to the wall to just slightly cove a little painting caulk into the corner. Comment on this for me.
It froze last night. I am sure the dahlias are now done for the year.
Kayak Bandit

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Hand and Foot(ball)

Yesterday was Monday. Yesterday was Monday Night Football. Last night, as on every Monday night, I hosted a get together with my friends. The game is on in the background and we visit, eat and play cards.
I call my weekly event Monday Night Games. I am thinking of renaming it Hand and Foot(ball).
Last night Joanne and I played Hand and Foot. This is a card game that everyone in my extended family knows and loves. Joanne played as though she had played this forever. The first hand she trounced me 1780 to 350. She caught me with a red three! The second hand I won, but she still was ahead 3355 to 2590. The last hand was so lopsided that we did not count it. I had not gotten to my foot, I had a red three and I threw her out on her nose. If you see Joanne, tell her to be more respectful of her host or she may get 86ed for life!
Kayak Bandit

Monday, October 6, 2008

Hard Part Done!

After I took bandit to the vet, I set about putting the laminate on my cupboards. Here is a look at what is done. I had to stop and clean up in time for Monday Night Football.
Kayak Bandit

Good Doggie

Well, I took bandit to the vet this morning, as planned. His swelling is down and he is doing great. The doctor told me that it is okay if he bends his knee as long as the ankle stays straight. The tendon does not get stretched to it's limit until both the ankle and the knee are bent.
You will notice that he now has a cone over his head to prevent him from messing with the injury. It is natural for a dog to lick at the wound, but with Bandit so bored, he is likely to take licking the wound to the limit. He had not licked at all until the bandage slipped down and exposed the stitches. The doctor recommended he keep the cone on since he is now somewhat adjusted to it. I feel so bad for his dignity!
In the video he is eating some Cheetos. I think he needs some wholesome food.
Kayak Bandit

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Ready For Laminate

Here is what the kitchen looks like after all the countertops are installed. I am going to rest for today and install the laminate tomorrow. Notice that the sink hole is ready. It fits snuggly, but just fine.

I am taking Bandit to the Vet tomorrow because his bandage is slipping down his leg. I suppose it is because the swelling is going down and the bandage is not as tight as it used to be when first wrapped.
Kayak Bandit

Kitchen Update

Hi Everyone,
It is Sunday morning and I feel great! I survived the emotional trauma of my dog cutting his tendon in two. I made some great progress on my kitchen. And, I am taking next week off to nurse my doggie along toward full mobility.
I feel especially great because I am doing the fun part of the kitchen remodel. The nasty part of tearing out and breathing the remodel dust is in the past. I can now smell the new wood. I love building the cabinets. They are all roughed in and will get the laminate today.
The following video is from a couple days ago. Some of the cabinet face frames are not installed and the counter top is not on. If I get to work now, I may have video of that part by tonight.

Bandit is bored. As I take him for his potty breaks, he looks beyond the fence with longing. But no, the mean guy at the end of the leash just hauls him back to the house as soon as finished with his do do. Some times I take him to the shop with me and he lays on a pile of sawdust while I work. I chose times that I am not using the planer because that machine is what makes the big pile of sawdust that he likes to lay on. The planer is very noisy and he is spooked by it.
Next year, for our family vacation, we are planning to go to Fort Stevens. We have not chosen an exact date yet. If you would like to join with us, let us know your choice of date. We are looking at late July or August.
Back to work,
Kayak Bandit

Friday, October 3, 2008

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Mice Look Out

A person that reads my blog sent me this following link in an effort to help me with my mouse problem. They claim it works great. We will see, because I am going to try it.

How to Build a Mouse Trap

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

This is a way to build the best mouse trap. No more messy spring traps or sticky paper. This trap lasts for weeks.


  1. Gather the necessary equipment (see "Things You'll Need").
  2. Secure the coffee can lid on the empty coffee can with some sort of glue or contact cement.
  3. Drill a hole large enough for the dowel rod in the center of coffee can lid as well as the center of the bottom of coffee can. This should allow the coffee can to spin freely once the Dowel Rod is inserted through the holes in the can.
  4. Drill a hole in the side of the 5 gallon bucket a couple of inches from the rim.
  5. Drill another hole in the 5 gallon bucket directly opposite the first.
  6. Insert the Dowel Rod into one hole of the 5 gallon bucket, then through the hole in the lid of the coffee can, then out the bottom of the coffee can, then finally through the opposite hole on in the 5 gallon bucket.
  7. Fill the 5 gallon bucket up with antifreeze so that there is about 5 to 6 inches of antifreeze in bottom.
  8. Coat the outside of the coffee can with peanut butter.
  9. Set the ramp up to the rim of the 5 gallon bucket.
  10. Locate the coffee can so that it is in middle of the dowel rod in the center of the 5 gallon bucket.
  11. Leave it and clean it out as necessary.


  • The idea here is that the mice walk up the ramp and jump onto the coffee can in an attempt to get to the peanut butter. When they land on the coffee can, it spins and they fall into the bucket of antifreeze. The reason for the antifreeze is that it seems to preserve the mice so they don't smell. Works great in locations where you are not able to clean it out frequently.
  • Be sure the holes in the coffee can are large enough to allow the coffee can to spin freely.
  • Set the ramp in such a way that is no too steep for a mouse to walk up.
  • If you're concerned about kids getting into the antifreeze, water works in place of the antifreeze.
  • To make this a humane trap and avoid drowning the mouse you can also simply not put any liquid in the bucket. Be sure to check the bucket regularly so as not to starve the animal and to empty the bucket at a good distance from your house to avoid the mouse finding its way back.


  • Keep out of reach of children!
  • Antifreeze is both attractive and toxic to most household pets. If you foresee this being a problem, substitute a different liquid.
  • Use Plumbing or RV antifreeze. It's non-toxic and won't kill your kids and pets.

Things You'll Need

  • 5 Gallon bucket
  • Empty Coffee Can (with lid)
  • Peanut Butter
  • 1/4" Dowel Rod or something similar (a little longer than the diameter of the 5 Gallon Bucket)
  • Antifreeze (get at any grocery or automotive store)
  • Something to make a ramp that will reach the top of the 5 Gallon Bucket

Related wikiHows

Article provided by wikiHow, a collaborative writing project to build the world's largest, highest quality how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Build a Mouse Trap. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

I am very sad tonight because bandit hurt himself really bad. He cut his right rear leg tendon completely in two where it connects to the socket. This is the socket on us that we call knee. He is in the hospital tonight and they will try to reattach the tendon tomorrow. He will not get to chase around at all for a couple months. I sure hope he heals up without pain.
You find out how attached you are to your pet when he is absent. My house is not at all the same without him.
I was planning to go get a cat today. Now that Bandit is hurt, I dare not introduce a cat. Bandit might think the cat is his replacement. Bandit will be confused, as it is.
Kayak Bandit

Mouse Will NOT Win!

So, you read about my failure to catch the mouse. Yesterday, I would have pursued him with a chainsaw if one was nearby. I refuse to resort to poison since I have a dog. So I continue with traps that obviously do not work.
Yesterday, my dear sister, Sharon, wrote the following;

Why don't you get a cat?

So, I thought about Sharon's question. Here is my answer;

I did not think about getting a cat, okay?

But, I am thinking real hard now. I would love to have a cat. I just worry about the times that I will be away. And - - Litterboxes!
Kayak Bandit