This site is dedicated to the notion that the time has arrived to enjoy life. All the planning for the future has paid off. The future is here.

Thursday, May 29, 2008


Did your parents believe in corporal punishment? Growing up in Minnesota, everyone believed in corporal punishment. Even my science teacher used corporal punishment. Mr. Nygard had some kids from shop class make him a paddle. When he could not inflict enough pain with this one hand model of paddle, he commisioned a new one that was larger and had a handle like a baseball bat.
Well, old science genious teach, was not strong enough to swing this heavier model very well. When he used it on some hapless guy, the young man would just smile and say it did not hurt. For several days afterward, this problem was the science topic. Mr Nygard challenged us to design a better mousetrap, er paddle, if you will.
All of us in the class, knew the remedy. Just drill holes near enough to each other to let the air through the paddle and prevent air cusioning. Someone wanting the offered "A" in the class had the gall to say in class what we were abuzz about.
So, Mr Nygard again commisioned the modefications. The next time Ray shot a spit wad was the last time. At least the last time in Mr Nygard's class. I wonder if his butt is red still?

1 comment:

Sue KuKu said...

My kindergarten teacher (on her last year) was a plumper version of Aunt Bea, complete with bun. We prayed to Jesus before having milk & graham crackers. Gentle, gentle soul.

Then, my first grade teacher (her first year) had a temper and didn't know how to deal with a class yet. She paddled one kid more than once with a yardstick — with his pants down.

My friend, Debbie, had long beautiful hair and that teacher yanked on it until Debbie cried. She told me years later her mom wondered why Debbie insisted on a pixie cut before 2nd grade. Debbie thought ALL teachers were like that.

I never got paddled and after first grade, never had a teacher with such a temper. I think that corporal punishment was outlawed somewhere in that, as well as praying in class.

