This site is dedicated to the notion that the time has arrived to enjoy life. All the planning for the future has paid off. The future is here.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day 2008

Isn't it great that we are free to do the stuff we like. Just think how impossible it is for a person in Myanmar that is struggling to find anything to eat because the Hunta refuses outside aid. Their homes were mere shacks before the storm, but now they cannot even get clean water. They cannot imagine going in search of letterboxes when their entire awake time is searching for a few grains of rice. They would not want ot go kayaking for all the floating bodies in the water.
What this country has done in it's young past, is amazing. We have used our wealth of blood and treasure at important times through history to keep our nation free and to introduce freedom to other parts of the globe. Many of us complain that our nation is too eager to take on someone else's fight. We will never know if those comlaints are valid or not. We cannot rewind history using different choices and we cannot write a draft copy to test on the future. History is what it is. Let us learn from it. Those that menace others in the world always were planning their next step in global domination. I am proud the US is a noble country filled with noble individuals willing to lay down their own life when called to do so. When we are in crisis, such as now, it is hard to know if we are too agressive. Maybe so, but I believe not.
What I really know is that we will not remain a "United" nation if we continue the level of political hatred we are seeing. Let's save our hatred for those that are trying to destroy us. I recognize how unpopular war is. I despise war. I despise fighting. I have never been in a fight in my life. That said, if a time comes that I must fight I will fight with every ounce of my being. No law will govern my actions as I fight to save my family. I believe laws are important, but laws will not constrain me when my family is in crisis, my conscience will.
May God Bless those that have died to enable the wonderful life I enjoy today. May God Bless those that are battling today. May God continue to Bless America. We are truly blessed by God.
There are tears of appreciation on my cheeks as I conclude this posting. I pray that this nation will continue.

1 comment:

Sue KuKu said...

Actually, Memorial Day (as my mother always reminded me) is to remember ALL who have died, not just Veterans, though we remember them both on Memorial Day and also on Veteran's Day.

So, I'd like to remember my mother who died of cancer in 1980 and my father who died of a heart attack on a fishing trip in 1994. How perfect, just the way he would have chosen to go.

My dad was a Veteran of WWII. If you subscribe to Atlas Quest, you can read my thoughts about him and his service at;gAuthorId=3915.

Proud daughter of a Veteran