This site is dedicated to the notion that the time has arrived to enjoy life. All the planning for the future has paid off. The future is here.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Lazy Day

It is probably a misnomer to say the day is lazy. I am the culprit. I made coffee and a sandwich this morning instead of going to work. I previously arranged vacation for today. The sandwich was quite good. Funny how things work out. Last night I bought a pack of 24 eggs while at Costco. I was unsure how many eggs were left in the fridge. It turns out there were already 12. Not all of the eggs fit, so I boiled the ones that did not fit. This morning I wanted a McMuffin type sandwich, so I took the remainder of the sliced cheese (had to feed some of the hard edges to bandit), ham, two of the boiled eggs and slammed them between the lone sourdough hoagie roll. I hate it when sourdough gets tough in the microwave. Instead of the microwave, I lightly buttered the outside and pan toasted the sanwich. Very Good. Again, funny how things work out.
I got a few trivial things done today. Mostly, just stuff that does not count. Bandit got meds for ticks. I bought an extra memory card and battery for my camera. I charged up the new and old batteries. I felt the charger needed to be watched, so I took a nap on the nearby couch. An occaisional day time nap is so much fun.
I am looking forward to three more days without resposibility. A little letterboxing in the morning, and then who knows.

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