This site is dedicated to the notion that the time has arrived to enjoy life. All the planning for the future has paid off. The future is here.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Chance Meeting

Today, things started out poorly. Most of my dahlia tubers did not make it through the winter. I was so very upset, I went for a long hike. I called a friend to see if he wanted to go with me while I sought out one letterbox and planted two new ones. He didn't answer. Bandit was ready to go though, he always is ready to go.
We went to a special spot by Fishtrap Lake. As I pulled into the parking lot, Colls n DB were also just arriving planning to go letterboxing too. We walked together with their son and his wife until our paths were going seperate directions. What wonderful constant conversation. I really enjoyed getting to know them better.
I found my way cross country to the edge of Fishtrap Lake. It was gorgeous. Bandit retrieved the ball from the water all the time I was planting a letterbox. On the return trip to the car, I spotted a couple very large deer. I think they were bucks that have shed their horns at this time of year. As I walked along beneath them, they were content. When I stopped to stare at them they bolted up this cliff that I could only dream of getting up. They made it look easy.
I planted two more boxes and found one. All in all it was a wonderful day that was salvaged from a poor start.
See Ya

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