This site is dedicated to the notion that the time has arrived to enjoy life. All the planning for the future has paid off. The future is here.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Bandit Gone Bonkers

As most of you know, Bandit is my Bluehealer, Border Collie and Austrailian Sheppard mix, used to be a male, dog. He is so very smart. As a matter of fact, he is smarter than his owner.
Recently, I've gotten many compliments about his antics with a garden hose. So, I thought I would share this video of Bandit at his best. Click on this picture and once you are in my Video Album, click again on the "Crazy Bandit" video.

What did you think? Actually, do you want to know what I am thinking of doing? As I have said, he will play with the hose for a very long time.
Here's my plan. I will give the hose to Bandit. I will place it where the lawn needs watering. That being, very near the edge of my busy street. Then, I will retreat to a safe spot to observe him cavorting about. Yes, the lawn will benefit. But more importantly, I will be able to witness him spraying the passing convertible cars. How could anyone be angry with me or a dog who haplessly sprays them.
Have I thought this through well enough. What if some big bruiser catches me laughing loudly from the lilac bushes. I think my health insurance is paid up, but, Steph, you better check on my life insurance. It could be finacially advantageous to you.
Wish me luck
Kayak Bandit