This site is dedicated to the notion that the time has arrived to enjoy life. All the planning for the future has paid off. The future is here.

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Thanksgiving 2018

I love to tell Stories. My favorite subject is my family. Our daily lives are filled with much interest and excitement. I look ahead a few days and know we will gather together to share Thanksgiving in Stephanie's home. 
Our family is clearly different than when I was young. We lived in a community where we were near both of my grandparents. If I walked through the woods from our home to either of their homes, it was about one mile. Now, we have to travel halfway across the State to gather together. I am mostly to blame for the distance between us because I refuse to live in a rain-infested climate. My health is much improved when I live in a drier climate.
Admitting the family is different today does not include admitting it is less loving. I love time spent with all of my family. We can do many of the things fun to us in the past. We all enjoy table games. Hand and Foot, anyone? Speaking of table games, Stephanie is amazing at doing many things while whipping us at any of the games we choose. She can be texting instructions to others, making dinner, settling squabbles, loading the dishwasher and more and still be faster at her turn of play than anyone else. 
So, on Thanksgiving, find me happily sharing the thankfulness I feel. We will gather and formally give thanks for all we have. It is abundant. As far as my love to tell stories, I plan to restart writing to this blog.

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