This site is dedicated to the notion that the time has arrived to enjoy life. All the planning for the future has paid off. The future is here.

Friday, November 23, 2018

Post Thanksgiving

How is it possible to describe the Thanksgiving Day Celebration we enjoyed Yesterday. You know me too well. I am going to try.
Stephanie and Jeff hosted us in their home. We arrived to a lively batch of family playing. I got a tour from Jeff showing the hard work of installing their surveillance equipment. Good job, Jeff.
Shortly, Jennifer and family arrived with snacks to hold us over until the main course. These snacks could easily have been a celebration of thankfulness. I especially liked the herb soft cheese with fresh vegetables.
When we were called to the table, we were blessed with a beautiful arrangement. The arranging was done by Lily Balladone, home from college. I am so proud of Lily. She is achieving at an excellent level. Lily is the first grandchild to be enrolled in a full 4-year college program. Keep up the good work. Each person had a lovely name placard with a handwritten joke inside. My joke was; Why did the turkey cross the road twice? To prove he was not chicken!
Jeff gave a wonderful presentation about thankfulness and allowed me the honor to give thanks for the meal. The food was unbelievable. I think there were four salads, plus enough olives to satisfy all the grandkids. A favorite salad for most of us--broccoli. Greg volunteered at the last minute to find sunflower seeds for it.
 The main course lived up to it's billing. The turkey was perfectly cooked. Again there were many choices. My personal favorite was the baked carrots. The carrots were all different colors. That is a first for me. Delicious.
Somewhat across from me was Amaris celebrating her first Thanksgiving. She sure did well feeding herself. Amaris is something special to all of us. We are all very thankful for her.

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