This site is dedicated to the notion that the time has arrived to enjoy life. All the planning for the future has paid off. The future is here.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Oh Happy Day

"Oh Happy Day" is something I heard often as a child. Sometimes it was used sarcastically. For example; grandma was making waffles and the batter sticks to the waffle iron. You can just hear grandma say "oh happy day". Emphasis added! Or, mom asks where my younger brother is and I say I do not know. Mom drops her task at hand and races out to search for her child. When she finds him she exclaims "Oh happy day".You can feel the relief in her voice.
Well, which is it? Does it mean a negative exclamation or a positive exclamation? Or, could it also mean a literal, nonexclamatory utterance? I want to establish that today is a truly happy day. There are so many reasons to be happy. I feel I will succeed in my tasks to ready myself to drive to Stephanie's home for Thanksgiving. I will get the eggs off the ceiling. I will get the morning newspaper and relax with a cup of coffee. My feeling of a great outlook is normal for me. I am quite positive about my outlook on life. I am blessed with much. To which, I simply say "Oh Happy Day".

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