This site is dedicated to the notion that the time has arrived to enjoy life. All the planning for the future has paid off. The future is here.

Monday, November 26, 2018

"Me Guy"

Many, many years ago when I was a couple years old, my family was having a new home built. The previous home was very cold and drafty. I remember nights when after the wood stove fire went out, the teapot would get cold enough to have some ice on it before my dad would get up to set a fire for the next day. That is cold.
Back to the new home. I was especially fond of the carpenter named Guy. I would emulate him by hammering nails into boards given to me. I bet I was cute. When I was building a home for Andy and Jo Marie, their son Aron, was like this. It was amazing to me how well Aron could drive nails into his chopping block. In a short time, the entire block was covered with nail heads.
Mom tells that when I would be at it, hammering like my hero, Guy, I would be saying "Me Guy". I guess we were now moved into the new home when I was entertaining myself with a hammer. My mom came to the basement and found me with her new overshoes. You guessed it. They were nailed repeatedly to a board and me reciting "Me Guy". It must have been so cute that my mom did not discipline me. I do not remember any repercussions, anyway.
I still like to emulate my friend Guy. I no longer say " Me Guy" and I sure do not nail overshoes.

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