This site is dedicated to the notion that the time has arrived to enjoy life. All the planning for the future has paid off. The future is here.

Wednesday, November 21, 2018


When Paradise is not paradise!
I am unable to comprehend the anguish that must be felt by those that lived in Paradise, California through this year's fire season. How can they get through their day without all the stuff they had gathered around themselves. No favorite coffee cup for the morning cup of coffee while you read the morning paper. Many lost their pets. Your neighbor is not available to listen to you tell how well your child is doing in school. Oh, no way for your child to go to school. My home has its own personality. I leave the TV on while I go about my day, but theirs is GONE! Not only the tv, remote, recliner, reading glasses, but the home itself!
I did the math on how much has burned. Yesterday, they said it was to 151,000 acres. That means it would be 15 miles by 15 miles. Another way to look at it is; an average lot is about 2500 square feet and it would be about 26,000 homes. I realize that it matters none about the math if it was your own family that is impacted.
God Bless those going through this Hell while I will be celebrating Thanksgiving with my family. I am certain to be more thankful this season because of what I see going on in Paradise.

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