This site is dedicated to the notion that the time has arrived to enjoy life. All the planning for the future has paid off. The future is here.

Monday, November 19, 2018

Eggs on the ceiling

About two months ago, I forgot my pot of eggs on the stove while doing other tasks around the house. The stove setting was quite low, but I let a lot of time go by until the water was boiled out and the blackened eggs eggsploded. Get it? Eggsploded! Ha. Ha.
The result was pieces of egg on the ceiling, a pan that was nearly impossible to clean, no boiled eggs, and my ego shattered. Eventually, I managed to clean the pan. My Ego is still shattered. I did promise myself to never leave a pan unattended. Smart!
Well, tonight I did it again. I must admit that it took the third egg eggsploding before I realized what was going on. The same scene was found when I rushed into the kitchen. I am such an idiot! I hate to watch a pot boil for six minutes. It seems one should be able to check back before the disaster. Nope. Not me, anyway.

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