This site is dedicated to the notion that the time has arrived to enjoy life. All the planning for the future has paid off. The future is here.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


When the grandkids were here last week, we spotted a mouse in my house. Yes, a mouse in the house. A louse of a mouse in my house.
Yeah, I have my striped, cone shaped, flopped over hat on.
Anyway, there is this mouse. I know how to deal with mice. Get a good Victor mouse trap and "snap". Problem solved, right? Wrong. At least that is the wrong approach when grandkids are around. Nick and Lil insisted I not harm the mouse. Are you kidding me. How do you not harm something you want dead?
So I suggested poison. They asked how the poison worked. I told them that it makes them bleed internally and get very thirsty. I think I am right about that. I thought they would then relent and let me use the trap. I assured them the trap would be swift death. Hardly any suffering. Still wrong!
Okay, they are gone now. My grandkids are precious. I hoped to catch the mouse alive and carry it to the woods for release. So far I have caught nothing. Bandit seeks out the trap because he smells the peanut butter. I need to put them out of his reach. I think I will put it under the stove. Maybe, one behind the TV. I am going to give it a couple more days. I so very much want to be able to tell my grandkids I spared their mouse's life.
Vote in my poll. Victor, Poison, Live Trap or Leave Alone.
Kayak Bandit


Anonymous said...

Hey Steve, I think you need to get a Bull snake and feed the mouse to him! (Reference your recent snake video.)

Kayak Bandit said...

I love your idea of a bull snake to patrol for the mice in my house. I may have to poll my readers to see if they will or will not visit if they know I have a snake in my house. That is,- - - - another snake, as some say I am a snake!