This site is dedicated to the notion that the time has arrived to enjoy life. All the planning for the future has paid off. The future is here.

Friday, May 30, 2008

A good Switchin'

I was a typical boy. I loved my life growing up in Minnesota. My dad appreciated my mechanical ability. I remember the day a new tractor arived on the back of a big truck. It was a bright orange Alis-Chalmers WD 45 wide front tractor. The picture doesn't do it justice! The deliveryman backed it off the truck and left it running. My dad and this guy completed the paperwork, but as they headed to do this task, my dad turned to me and said I should go park the tractor beside the barn.
Holy Smoke! At the young age of seven or eight, this was big. Dad did not ask if I was up to the task or nuttin. He just, matter of factly, told me to park it. I contemplated it for a very short time, climbed up onto this amazing machine and parked it. I knew that I could do it just fine, but how could it be that my dad also knew this. Well, I made sure I lived up to the expectation.
But then there were the times that dad needed to correct me for something grevious. You knew he was onto your bad deeds before he spoke. The muscle in his jaw would start flexing. That always meant it was serious.
He would find a place to sit down and chat with you. Mind you, not the way you chat with your best friend, Duane. He would tell you about how amazing willow limbs are for their ability to strike something repeatedly. He would also tell how the dead willow limbs were worthless for striking many times. Eventually, he would get around to sending you to the slough, about a half mile away, to fetch a good willow switch. His parting words were always "think about why I need a good strong willow switch. Oh, and don't take too long!"
Man o'live, a kid could do a lot of thinkin in that mile round trip. I have tried and tried to remember if I was ever switched. I think not. If so, it was probably token. I sure remember the sober time I spent wondering how this would eventually play out. Thanks Dad!

Bandit Gone Bonkers

As most of you know, Bandit is my Bluehealer, Border Collie and Austrailian Sheppard mix, used to be a male, dog. He is so very smart. As a matter of fact, he is smarter than his owner.
Recently, I've gotten many compliments about his antics with a garden hose. So, I thought I would share this video of Bandit at his best. Click on this picture and once you are in my Video Album, click again on the "Crazy Bandit" video.

What did you think? Actually, do you want to know what I am thinking of doing? As I have said, he will play with the hose for a very long time.
Here's my plan. I will give the hose to Bandit. I will place it where the lawn needs watering. That being, very near the edge of my busy street. Then, I will retreat to a safe spot to observe him cavorting about. Yes, the lawn will benefit. But more importantly, I will be able to witness him spraying the passing convertible cars. How could anyone be angry with me or a dog who haplessly sprays them.
Have I thought this through well enough. What if some big bruiser catches me laughing loudly from the lilac bushes. I think my health insurance is paid up, but, Steph, you better check on my life insurance. It could be finacially advantageous to you.
Wish me luck
Kayak Bandit

Thursday, May 29, 2008


Did your parents believe in corporal punishment? Growing up in Minnesota, everyone believed in corporal punishment. Even my science teacher used corporal punishment. Mr. Nygard had some kids from shop class make him a paddle. When he could not inflict enough pain with this one hand model of paddle, he commisioned a new one that was larger and had a handle like a baseball bat.
Well, old science genious teach, was not strong enough to swing this heavier model very well. When he used it on some hapless guy, the young man would just smile and say it did not hurt. For several days afterward, this problem was the science topic. Mr Nygard challenged us to design a better mousetrap, er paddle, if you will.
All of us in the class, knew the remedy. Just drill holes near enough to each other to let the air through the paddle and prevent air cusioning. Someone wanting the offered "A" in the class had the gall to say in class what we were abuzz about.
So, Mr Nygard again commisioned the modefications. The next time Ray shot a spit wad was the last time. At least the last time in Mr Nygard's class. I wonder if his butt is red still?

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Here is the problem. During a normal work week, Wednesday is known as hump day. What do you call hump day when there are four days instead of five? Maybe I should plan to take Friday off so Wednesday does not feel bad. I am starting to like this.
It kind of reminds me of when my mom would make a game of eating potatoes and gravy. Mom would always have a mismatched amount of potatoes to gravy. When, say, the gravy ran out before the potatoes did, she would announce that she needed more gravy so as not to waste the potatoes she still had. Unfortunately, or fortunately, as the case may be, she would add more gravy to her plate until the reverse would happen. I did not blame her, nor should you. If you ever tasted my mom's gravy, you might have thought this strategy up yourself.
Mom is not able to cook anymore. The very best has retired from the kithen!
KB - - Mom's Favorite
Mom let each of the other eight kids think they were the favorite, but I know the truth.

Tuesday Feels Like Monday

Having had four days off, today feels like Monday. Holidays are great. No guilt for accomplishing nothing important. My kayaks are still on the car. I will just say to anyone that wonders about them, I loaded them early for next weekend.
I think Bandit dreads my returning to work more than I dread it. He gets pretty bored while I am away for ten hours at a time.
Some friends came over for a BBQ, We had steaks, baked potatoes and veggies. You can't beat a good beef steak. Yum!
Enjoy your short work week,

Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day 2008

Isn't it great that we are free to do the stuff we like. Just think how impossible it is for a person in Myanmar that is struggling to find anything to eat because the Hunta refuses outside aid. Their homes were mere shacks before the storm, but now they cannot even get clean water. They cannot imagine going in search of letterboxes when their entire awake time is searching for a few grains of rice. They would not want ot go kayaking for all the floating bodies in the water.
What this country has done in it's young past, is amazing. We have used our wealth of blood and treasure at important times through history to keep our nation free and to introduce freedom to other parts of the globe. Many of us complain that our nation is too eager to take on someone else's fight. We will never know if those comlaints are valid or not. We cannot rewind history using different choices and we cannot write a draft copy to test on the future. History is what it is. Let us learn from it. Those that menace others in the world always were planning their next step in global domination. I am proud the US is a noble country filled with noble individuals willing to lay down their own life when called to do so. When we are in crisis, such as now, it is hard to know if we are too agressive. Maybe so, but I believe not.
What I really know is that we will not remain a "United" nation if we continue the level of political hatred we are seeing. Let's save our hatred for those that are trying to destroy us. I recognize how unpopular war is. I despise war. I despise fighting. I have never been in a fight in my life. That said, if a time comes that I must fight I will fight with every ounce of my being. No law will govern my actions as I fight to save my family. I believe laws are important, but laws will not constrain me when my family is in crisis, my conscience will.
May God Bless those that have died to enable the wonderful life I enjoy today. May God Bless those that are battling today. May God continue to Bless America. We are truly blessed by God.
There are tears of appreciation on my cheeks as I conclude this posting. I pray that this nation will continue.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Sunday, Sunday

There is a song by that name. If only the song was as sunny as today is. I am still hanging out in the house. The sun is beaming through the window and my soul has sun shining into it as I remember the wonderful day I had yesterday. Read yesterday's blog for a full description.
I wish for all of you a wonderful sunny day.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Animal Day

The first encounter with an animal started at Jeff's house. Jeff is a Letterboxing animal We went letterboxing all morning. For those that have not letterboxed, you are probably shaking your head in wonderment. What could be so exciting about letterboxing? Well, let's talk about the other animals and come back to this letterboxing question later.
The second animal is a large bull snake. It seems the flooding Spokane River is forcing this snake from his usual home. He was laying on top of a sandy berm near the river's edge. We observed him for a time from a safe distance until sure he was not a rattler. As we moved closer to him, he slowly slithered away and onto the tip of a pine limb that was hanging down into the water. It was easy for him to get up onto the limb from the water. Only after he had moved to the limb, did I think of my camera. I leaned against the trunk of the tree and leaned out over the snake and the water to get a good camera angle. I took footage for a while and then agitated the limb with my one foot. The snake moved away from that foot. After a time he tired of my intrusion and started hissing and jerking his head menacing. I jumped bank and left him be. Wow!
Jeff spotted the third animal. He heard this cheeping sound and saw a baby duckling. It was swimming in some quiet water near the flooded Spokane River. It was swimming back and forth in some distress. I tried to get closer to take a picture, but as I got closer, the duckling swam out toward the raging water. Jeff suggested not forcing it away, and I agreed. We left it alone. A short distance away as we were leaving we spotted the mom and dad Merganser swimming nearby in the fast water. We continued on so that they could reunite. I did get one good picture of the adults, but you have to zoom in to see them.
Jeff also spotted the forth animal, actually eight of them. We were pulling up to a favorite letterboxing spot. We had just passed an old indian (he appeared to be indian and also looked old) sitting near the edge of the road, cross legged. He appeared to be meditating. Down this trail, Jeff spotted two adult Coyotes and their six pups. Jeff encouraged me to get some pictures since I was on the far side from the coyotes and he was driving. I got several pics from quite a distance. We parked and headed off down this trail toward our letterbox spot. A little past where they disapeared we spotted one of the adults off to the side eating grass. He was munching away without realizing we were there. I made a slight sound and he looked our way, stared back for a bit and then moved slowly away. I wanted to see the pups and get a picture of them, so we continued on.
Jeff realized he had forgotten his camera, and headed back to the car to get it. I said I would wait at the branch of the trail. I went to the agreed spot and concealed myself to watch for the coyotes. In a short time, I spotted movement and adjusted to see, much to my surprise, the fifth animal, a young adult black bear. I was expecting a coyote. I am now standing in the road and the black bear is standing just off the road looking straight at me. I snapped a picture and noticed Jeff approaching. I motioned for him to stay where he was. When he saw me motioning, Jeff stopped and was also able to see the bear. All three of us stood there for just a moment before the bear ran away from me in the general direction of Jeff. I got one more picture as he ran. Jeff wants you to know it was the bear running, not Jeff


Click on this link for the video of the swollen Spokane River.

Click on this link for the video of the bull snake.

Back to Jeff, the letterboxing animal. You see, if it were not for the letterboxers sharing favorite places to visit, I would most likely go through the rest of my life not discovering what is right next door. I have lived in Spokane for nineteen years. I did not know we had such a bounty of things to see until I started chasing Tupperware. That is what some people call us letterboxers because we use tupperware for our watertight boxes. Jeff is the person that has encouraged me to get out and see these wonders. Jeff, you are an animal! Thank You Jeff. Oh, and by the way, Thank You Stephanie for insisting I attend the meet-up where we met.

I hope you share in my excitement! See you on the letterboxing trail,

Friday, May 23, 2008

Lazy Day

It is probably a misnomer to say the day is lazy. I am the culprit. I made coffee and a sandwich this morning instead of going to work. I previously arranged vacation for today. The sandwich was quite good. Funny how things work out. Last night I bought a pack of 24 eggs while at Costco. I was unsure how many eggs were left in the fridge. It turns out there were already 12. Not all of the eggs fit, so I boiled the ones that did not fit. This morning I wanted a McMuffin type sandwich, so I took the remainder of the sliced cheese (had to feed some of the hard edges to bandit), ham, two of the boiled eggs and slammed them between the lone sourdough hoagie roll. I hate it when sourdough gets tough in the microwave. Instead of the microwave, I lightly buttered the outside and pan toasted the sanwich. Very Good. Again, funny how things work out.
I got a few trivial things done today. Mostly, just stuff that does not count. Bandit got meds for ticks. I bought an extra memory card and battery for my camera. I charged up the new and old batteries. I felt the charger needed to be watched, so I took a nap on the nearby couch. An occaisional day time nap is so much fun.
I am looking forward to three more days without resposibility. A little letterboxing in the morning, and then who knows.

Full Day

On Wednesday I got up early, went to work early, got off work early and proceeded to go kayak/letterboxing with my recent good friend Jeff. I picked him up at his home, introduced Bandit and Jeff and started to drive off when Jeff offered to drive. I think he saw how old I am and was afraid for his life. I accepted his offer. It was great to be chaufered through the countryside. Jeff knew many scenic roads that I seldom travel.
We got to the lake, I did some maintenance on a box and Jeff found the one I had recently planted. Jeff was a quick study with regard to kayaking. He paddled straight and true on the return trip. We loaded up while Bandit played. I was irresponsible about my dog, because he ran through a fisherman's line and broke it. I felt terrible. Bandit was asked to sit in the car until we finnished loading.
We hurried off to find two more boxes in Cheney. We had a third one in mind, but I said enough when we hauled out the flashlight on number two. Great day. Thanks Jeff,

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

On the Water

Back on the water feels very good. Karen, Jerry, Ian and I paddled Amber Lake Sunday. The day started with an occaisional puff of air. As the day went on, it became windy enough to have some whitecaps. Amber is a small lake, so can you imagine what it would have been like on a large lake like Rock Lake? I am glad I do not know from first hand experience.
There were many fishermen trying to catch cutthroat trout. I did not pay attention to whether any were caught. All in all, a great day of paddling and letterboxing.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Mid Week

Tomorrow is Wednesday, or the day the garbage truck comes to haul off the stuff I don't want. I should have taken the can to the curb already, but tomorrow morning will work just fine. Why do something when you can procrastinate.
Boy, we sure through out a lot of stuff. Me, I am alone and fill a big can every week. I also fill up one of the lawn waste cans. Whew!
In the morning, I say!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Chance Meeting

Today, things started out poorly. Most of my dahlia tubers did not make it through the winter. I was so very upset, I went for a long hike. I called a friend to see if he wanted to go with me while I sought out one letterbox and planted two new ones. He didn't answer. Bandit was ready to go though, he always is ready to go.
We went to a special spot by Fishtrap Lake. As I pulled into the parking lot, Colls n DB were also just arriving planning to go letterboxing too. We walked together with their son and his wife until our paths were going seperate directions. What wonderful constant conversation. I really enjoyed getting to know them better.
I found my way cross country to the edge of Fishtrap Lake. It was gorgeous. Bandit retrieved the ball from the water all the time I was planting a letterbox. On the return trip to the car, I spotted a couple very large deer. I think they were bucks that have shed their horns at this time of year. As I walked along beneath them, they were content. When I stopped to stare at them they bolted up this cliff that I could only dream of getting up. They made it look easy.
I planted two more boxes and found one. All in all it was a wonderful day that was salvaged from a poor start.
See Ya

Friday, May 9, 2008


Bandit can really catch the frisbee. I don't think he missed one toss tonight. That is, tosses that he had a chance at. Some of my tosses go sadly astray. He even gets some of those.

Warm Up

It's Friday, it's friday! One more day of work and then the weekend. Oh darn, I have my own work to do this weekend. I have to finnish the retaining wall enough to level the garden spot and plant dahlias. I think it is safe to plant dahlias today. The weather report says no colder than 38 for a few days. I will have more dahlia tubers than I need. Come get some if you want some.

Thursday, May 8, 2008


Have you ever found a place you consider a Grotto? I do not mean a place already named a Grotto that many people go to. I mean a place where you are completely obsorbed by the beauty and you are alone to ponder who has come before you to this special place. Well, I now have such a place I will share this place with people I trust to respect it as I do.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Sick Dog

My dog, Bandit, has been under the weather. His eyes were slightly dull. He was content to lay on the floor instead of nipping at my heals when I walked back and forth down the hall. I have to walk back and forth down the hall because when I get where I am going I cannot remember why I am there until I go back to the starting place. But, I digress. Well, slowly Bandit has returned to full form. A friend called and wanted to borrow a drill bit. As I was walking to the garage, you guessed it, Bandit was nipping at my heals. Boy that make my day!